i once said that there are only three things that matter to me right now...
at first, i thought nothing was going the way i had planned - but i guess i was wrong.
i guess this is
it, because two of the three just saw the light at the end of the tunnel brighten up;
i know
this isn't carnegie hall, but, like "they" say, some stuff is just "music to your ears".
nota bene: the center has a steinway D 9-ft concert grand piano. after my email account and cnn.com, i stare at the screen with this picture most.
sometimes, you hear a lot of things you don't really feel like listening to.
other times, there's this incredibly awesome song playing in the background - you just never knew what it was you were actually listening to.
maybe it's about time you looked it up and gave it a real chance.
* Benjamin Spock (American pediatrician and author, 1903-1998)