
Jun 25, 2004 17:19

CAMP IS AWESOME!!!! I love camp so much...
WOOHOO! lol ;) it's the camp until Monday...and I have nothing to do. I'm SO bored already. I really need to find something to do, so I don't completely lose it, lol :-P

it's been a fun week! the usual mood swings are still around, but they haven't been as violent lately, which is SOOOOO nice, because like, when I get in a good mood, it's still really good, but my blah moods lately haven't been TOTALLY crashing, just like, a little blahness...which is SOOOOOO much better! and, they also tend to happen at night and last just until I go to bed, and then when I wake up, I'm fine. which is nice, too, haha, cuz it used to be that they'd carry over for days or even WEEKS at a time :-P

People who rock my socks this week: Alvin, for coming over and watching Finding Nemo FINALLY, and for that awesome conversation last night; Michelle, for hanging out with me and making me watch The Green Mile; all my kids at camp for being my awesome kids at camp, lol; my fellow camp staff, for making camp even better (it sucks when you don't like the people you work with); Amy, for actually being NICE to me most of the time; my grandma, for her awesome planning and cool ideas; and Chris, for leaving me hilarious and sweet messages on my cell phone, and for just being awesome as usual! I think I got everybody...if I missed somebody, I'M SORRY!!!! Everyone who's reading this is awesome! lol ;)

ok, I'm off to be bored some more...what fun! :-P

camp, friends

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