Sep 24, 2009 07:36

Yeah this formatting is pretty much copy-pasted from somewhere else, hence the errors.

For those of you who I have not informed, I am moving. Going away. Changing addresses. Off to Massachusetts. This means, I need to get rid of stuff. Rather than trying my luck on ebay, Krissy gave me the idea to try this much more interesting method of getting rid of my crap. I assume that everyone else has stuff to get rid of, yes? Weird things that they just never got around to using, things that have been laying around being useless for longer than you care to admit?

I am now turning this Livejournal account into my own little private swap meet and you are invited. If you want something, either tell me about the quasi-amazing treasure you have to trade, or give me $5 or so to cover shipping. Everything that isn't gone by Saturday or so is going to charity, since God knows my blackened soul can use the karma.

I AM INTERESTED IN: Fiction novels, board games, old unloved RPG of digital or dice formats, furry paraphenalia, man-bags, and "general oddities." I'm not exactly looking to come out ahead here, just to accumulate goofy stuff. Note me or comment or AIM me or whatever, keeping in mind that first come, first probably-going-to-get-the-treasure.

5x Stop Pushing Me Around: A Workplace Guide for the Timid, Shy, and Less Assertive
Linux in Easy Steps (2006)
The Pirate Primer http://www.amazon.com/Pirate-Primer-Mastering-Language-Swashbucklers/dp/1582974896/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253765736&sr=1-1

COMICS: Why was I buying this? I do not know. Take this shit please, I know for a fact somebody likes dragonball around here.
Shonen Jump: 0, Feb 2003 - Sept 2003

ROLEPLAYING: I regretfully just don't have room for these guys anymore. All of my other games were just zanier than this I'm afraid.
Champions 4th Edition
Gurps Robots
Gurps High-tech (TL4-7)
D&D 3.5: Complete Arcane
D&D 3.5: Complete Divine
D&D 4e: Forgotten Realms Players Guide
Angel RPG Corebook

SHITTY ROLEPLAYING: Somebody please take these away from me. I am treating them as one unit please for the love of god these horrible things need a home that isn't mine. Anything bigger than a paperclip is

a fair trade.
Shadowforce Archer: The Archer Foundation
D20 Modern: Weapons Locker
Everquest: Al'kabor's Arcana
Everquest: Monsters of Norrath
Everquest: Game Masters Guide
Everquest: Luclin
Everquest: Monsters of Luclin

NERF: Holy god I have a fuckton of Nerf crap. This is not counting the two Mavericks, two Longshots, and one Recon I'm keeping.

5x Nite Finder (Yes five of this ridiculous thing, one has shot me in the eye twice)
Firefly http://www.amazon.com/Hasbro-Nerf-N-Strike-Firefly-REV-8/dp/B00083HJ26/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1253765240&sr=8-7
Unity System (3 guns) http://www.hasbro.com/n-strike/en-US/shop/details.cfm?guid=91F62403-6D40-1014-8BF0-9EFBF894F9D4&product_id=13884&src=endeca UNDER NEGOTIATION
Clone Trooper Blaster (No idea how this came into my possession)http://www.amazon.com/Hasbro-Star-Clone-Trooper-Blaster/dp/B000KL5OE6/ref=pd_bxgy_t_img_b

MAC: OK I'm seriously going to have to ask for at least shipping on this one.
iMac G3 M5521 http://www.shopping.com/xPF-Apple-APPLE-IMAC-G3POWERPC-G3400-400-128-10-DVD-SND-NC-MAC-OS-9-2-BLEU-Apple
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