The life and times of my insanity

Jun 11, 2010 08:46

Hey look I've found my livejournal! And I find that a good thing because there has been a lot on my mind recently. Unfortunately a lot of what I'd like to muse about I can't - for fear of getting in trouble. So for that part I must simply grin and bear it. *shakes fist* I'll figure a way around it. Somehow to let out my gripes without getting 'caught'.

I'll just leave it at this:
I do not like the LACC. I do not like it here or there, I do not like it anywhere.
Not in a box or with a fox. Not in a house or with a mouse. And if I am pointing at the wrong place, then my apologies to the LACC - you may only be half to blame.

In other news I had the weirdest dream that I just want to post here so I can remember it.
It all starts with flying in an airplane because I'm trying to get somewhere. it is night and for some reason I'm really hoping that the daylight will come. It does, but much sooner than I expect it, and a few hours later it is nighttime again. I get to where I'm going and everyone is in a panicked state because night and day are coming much too fast. That is when the 'feeling' starts. The feeling that the world is tilting. Sure it is tilted now, but we can't feel the tilt, no, this is a tilt we can feel. Things start to move, imperceptibly, for the most part, you just start getting that feeling that the lamp isn't in the same place on the side table that it was in the day before.

I have landed and people I know have gathered and they start screaming that we should get in the plane and fly 'somewhere safe' to which I reply, 'how do we know where safe is... this is happening everywhere.' It is then that in the sky, in the middle of the day the moon seems to break from it's tether to us and falls. It pulls the Earth with it just a little bit as if in a last ditch effort to hold on to its place in the sky. It falls off the horizon and disappears. The world jolts and the sky suddenly shifts like some giant wheel of fortune that is half night and half day and settles to a stop with half the sky dark with stars and the other half bright and sunny. Though the sun is no where to be seen. The world, in short, is broken. That is when things actually start to slide. As if gravity no longer is controlled by our planet but instead by something 'underneath it'. We're all standing on the sides of a very large ball and luckily for us we weren't on the 'bottom' but instead on a gradual slope. Though it was steep enough that parked cars and other things started to slip and we had to avoid them. Several people lost their balance initially and almost fell but caught trees and were able to start making their way to a 'more stable' footing.

And then I woke up.
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