Montreal was terrific. Short stay, but terrific, for the most part. The only downside was Randy's truck getting broken into while we were at Evita. Middle of the afternoon no less. With a parking ticket, which we kind of expected due to time frames. He was visibly upset, not even wanting to hit dinner with the LJ crew. But I finally got him to the table and got him unwound a bit.
Let me see. Hope I don't forget anyone, but I can now add the following to LJers I've met.
kebecqoi. I had already met
quietkub but it was great to see him again. I'll spare you the minute by minute recap, but WOW. How awesome it is when you finally meet online persona and they are who they are.
As far as Evita. I was ecstatic to finally sit in the audience and not worry about downbeats, entrances, etc. Little did I know how overwhelming the experience really would be. Totally awesome production. Choreography, orchestra, voices. It was all good. Thanks Neil for the tickets.
One thing I didn't realize, which Randy had to translate for me. During intermission, we got a glass of wine. As it worked out, the bartender emptied the bottle as he filled our glasses. Supposedly, when pouring two glasses of wine and the bottle gets emptied in the process, you two are next to be married!! I'm just saying. Anyone to confirm this?
And for all those awaiting THE couple picture, soon to follow. A number of pictures were taken. Once I get them downloaded and finally get my ISP up and running at home, your anticipation will be over.
So ears that should have been ringing include