January 18 ,2021: Salt Fat Acid Heat

Jan 21, 2021 20:09

I often do my January platelet donation on New Year's Day, but things got busy for me that week. Instead I did it on Martin Luther King Day, which seemed like the best way to celebrate that day that I could think of. My movie for the day wasn't really a movie, but instead was Salt Fat Acid Heat. I watched 3 1/2 episodes of the four-part series; I still need to finish the Heat one. Anyway, I really liked this series. The premise is that the four biggest factors that transform food are salt, fat, acid and heat. I'm not a foodie by any means, but this series really spoke to me. It's about so much more than just food-- culture, chemistry, history, travel. It's right up my alley, in other words. The food looked amazing, too. I definitely recommend this Netflix series.

platelet movies

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