Apr 05, 2013 10:08
I'm considering changing cell phone providers. Verizon is reliable, but it's not cheap. We pay around $70/month for two lines with no web/data, and only Gretchen has texting because she uses it and I hate it. I would like mobile web though, and I would like something cheaper. I'll settle for either of those things. It turns out that some providers in the TracFone family (Net 10, Straight Talk) can do both. I'd have to buy a new phone, but I would make up the difference in cost after a few months worth of billing. The trouble is that the TracFone companies have a reputation as having horrible customer service. Online reviews range from very bad to just mediocre. Here's my quandry: Do I stick with what I have, knowing what I know about the customer service? Or do I just assume that since I'm not going to be needing much in the way of customer service (aside from porting my existing number to the new provider), that it's probably worth it to change it out?
This is a weird thing to post about here, but I kind of feel like decisions like this are a microcosm of my life. I get gripped with indecision about the dumbest things, and I often wind up with buyer's remorse before I've even completed the transaction.