Something about you.

Sep 14, 2008 13:14

Since I've moved, my allergies have been absolutely killing me. Typically, I have some minor environmental allergies but never to this extent. I haven't been able to wear my contacts for the majority of the week because my eyes are all bloodshot. My students found it amusing to count how many times I was sneezing in a row (They counted six). From what I understand, we had a very rainy summer which impacts the growth of certain plants (which I appear to be allergic to). I am tired of living on Claritin during the day and Bendadryl in the evenings. Why can't the fall arrive faster so these miserable allergies can end?

This weekend has been productive. On Friday my new roommate Erica and I made drinks and watched "Sex and the City." It was fun. Yesterday, I got my haircut because my hair was getting too thick and poofy. I'm not crazy about the cut but I've received several compliments on it. I officially have a "side bang" and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that. I also finished three loads of laundry yesterday. I really hate laundry but I realized I was in trouble when I had absolutely nothing to wear. Going to the laundry mat was surprisingly not that bad.

I also went to "Rocky" yesterday and looked completely ridiculous but it was fun. It's a nice way to spend a Saturday night/Sunday morning.

Today I really need to get two papers done that are due for my Tuesday night class. I also told my roommate I would clean so I have to get that done. In addition, I've noticed that my pantry is rather bare so I have to go grocery shopping. Not to mention, my bedroom floor is covered in clothes so it might be a good idea to clean that up.

In other news, work is going well. It's sometimes a bit chaotic. I feel like I put out one fire and another (bigger) one erupts. The paperwork is massive. I've always been somewhat organized but in order to be a successful special education teacher, I realized that I need to be meticulous. I am absolutely terrified about IEP meetings since I have very little experience with them. The special education director assured me that he would walk me through the meetings. It's just a lot of work and I'm literally running around all day. An eighty minute prep period is hardly enough to complete the tasks that I'm trying to accomplish.

In terms of my love life, I've met someone who intrigues me (and it appears that I intrigue him). However, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about him. He strikes me as a "player" (for lack of a better term) and that's not the type of person I want to date. I don't want to jump to any conclusions or judge him until I fully know him. But I'm proceeding with caution because I don't want to get hurt. I'm just going to take things one day at a time.

This lovely update has helped me procrastinate which I really should NOT be doing. So, I must bid you adieu.
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