Jul 17, 2006 18:54
A couple of new guys arrived last week....one female....hmm
The new guys are cool and one of them got to meet the SPs within 8 hours of being on station. Guys decided to have some fun and a couple of them broke bottles. Apparently someone made a call and almost all of left as soon as blue lights were spotted. I hung out in a friend's room until it was clear. I didn't break anything by the way. So that was interesting story to hear being spread around the flight....lol.
Then the second new guy came in and we pulled him in for a loop. The SNCOs and NCOs and even officers were scaring the shit out of him. It was so funny but I think the guy was close to heart attack. They had him on a search for Buffer Flush, meet the Squadron's Blues Monitor (they told him to show up at work in blues, he didn't because he didn't have the proper rank, and this position is totally made up along with the Buffer Flush), standing at parade rest out in the bay. watching arimen getting yelled at by everyone and getting yelled out himself. Then to top it all off - Security Violation and telling the SNCOs to call the cops.
Oh the things we do, well I'm going to get some food and play catch with Kelsi