Title: Angel's Fate
Pairing: Baro/OC and Gongchan/OC
Rating: PG
Summary: You are living alone, no parents, no brothers. Your parents had died when you were young. There is no one to take care of you. What happens when you audition for the most famous art school in Seoul? What's even more surprising to you is that you got in the most special talent classes. What happens when the guy that you hate the most comes back into your life? Will you fall back in love? Will you quit school? Read on to find out!
Author's Notes: This is me promoting my story from AsianFanfics. My writing style in the first couple of chapters will be a different from how i write in my later chapters. I hope you guys like it!
Baro's POV ~
"… We've been dating for a while now"
When Baro heard this, his eyes widened. He wanted to object to this, but when felt something piercing his biceps. He winced a little at the pain. He knew it was Seung Mi's nails digging into his skin to try to get him to be quiet. He wanted to yell out, but the more he wanted to, the more Seung Mi digged her nails.
He then saw you turning to leave with Sandeul. He wanted to run after you but his feet were glued to the floor. What would he say to you?
Surprisingly, the nails that were currently piercing him didn't hurt as much now. He turned over to Seung Mi as she removed her hands away. He rubbed his biceps a little, glad that it didn't bleed before he looked at up at her.
"Seung Mi, why did you say that?" he asked in frustration.
"Oppa… don't be mad. It was for our relationship!" she explained and reached down and grabbed his hand.
Her hand lingered above his, but before she could say anything else, Baro shook her hands out of his. "What relationship?!"
"Oppa~!" she whined, but Baro was already out of sight.
He ran after Sandeul and you. You guys were already late but he didn't care. All he wanted to do right now wass to find you and explain the situation. He ran across the campus until he saw you and Sandeul in front of the auditorium. He ran as fast as he could and grabbed your hand, holding you back from going in.
"~~~~-ah… look, about what happened." he tried to explain but you moved his hand.
"You don't have to explain…" you gave him a smile before walking in.
Baro felt a hand on his shoulder holding him back from going after you. He looked back and Sandeul was shaking his head with disapproval.
"Hyung… give her some time." Sandeul told him and walked passed him, into the big doors.