MMOM Day 10 Fic: Or Maybe, Not So Shameful

May 10, 2013 22:46

Title: Or Maybe, Not So Shameful
Author: Turtlebaby_02
Fandom: White Collar
Written For: MMOM 2013
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Neal Caffrey/Peter Burke (Pre-P/N)
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 1513

A/N: A continuation of sorts from yesterdays MMOM fic, A Shameful Thing. It's not necessary to read it first, but maybe you want to. lol More like Round 2, Neal's POV.

Neal fiddle with his pen, his mind wandering outside the bullpen and directly up to Peter's office. He could feel his scrutiny and was trying his best not to look up. He was skimming the file in front of him, not really reading, just attempting to look busy so maybe Peter wouldn't notice that he noticed being noticed. He sighed and shook his head lightly to expel those unwanted thoughts, something was burning just below the surface of the other man lately, and Neal wished he would just do something about it already, before they both spontaneously combusted.

He would, he was more than tempted, but Peter was the one with something to lose. His job. His wife. But not, though. Not if he talked to El. She'd been the giver of soft smiles and gentle prodding and subtle hints for a couple of months now. But still, he wasn't about to make the first move. Not if it was the wrong one.

Something in the folder caught his eye and he leaned forward, flipping back and forth between a couple pages, an idea finally forming in his mind. It was so simple he almost laughed. Tucking his pen between his lips, he reached for a highlighter and ran bright orange over the information he was going to need for a summary.

The wash of heat over him always surprised him when Peter tried sneaking up on him. It was like his nerve endings just knew when he was approaching. He looked up and slid the pen out of his mouth. "Are we going out? Peter, please. Tell me we have a case."

"Sorry, buddy. Bathroom break." His voice sounded rough and his face was flushed.

Neal frowned with concern. "Are you alright, Peter? You don't look so good."

Peter let out a small cough and took a half step back. "I'm fine. I'll be right back."

Neal let his gaze linger on his partner for a moment longer and then shook his head lightly "Ok." Liar. He ducked his head back to the case before him. He felt Peter study him for another moment before turning and walking away. He lifted his head just in time to see him disappear into the bathroom.

He capped the marker and flicked it down onto the desk with a sigh. Maybe he should call El and see if Peter had been feeling ok that morning. No, don't be silly. You'll just worry her.

He stood and made his way over to the coffee, trying to not count the minutes since Peter had disappeared behind the door. He poured himself a cup and made his way back to his desk. Setting down the mughe shrugged to himself. He wasn't sure why he was feeling so hovery today but, screw it, he turned and headed for the bathroom.

He let the door fall behind him with a clunk and made his way to the urinal, ears trained towards the stalls as he did his business and washed his hands. It was a strange feeling, listening for sounds of sick coming from a public bathroom. He slid his hands under the dryer before turning back to the door. He pulled it open and stopped as a small sound found his ears. "Peter?" He let the door fall closed again and walked toward the stalls.

"Neal?" His voice was definitely strained now and Neal felt a little bad for interrupting him.

"You sure you're alright?" He rolled his eyes up to the ceiling and wished fervently that he was anywhere but here, but he'd already opened the can of worms, might as well follow through now.

"I said I'm fine, Neal." Great, now he was frustrating him.

"I know, Peter. But you've uh, been in here for awhile." Just shut up and walk away, Caffrey.

"Probably something I ate." There was a pause and Neal suddenly realized how fucking weird this was. "Are you going to stop eavesdropping soon?"

"Oh." He felt a blush warm his face. "Oh yeah. Sorry." He walked to the door and pulled it open. At the last second he changed his mind and stepped back, letting it fall closed in front of him. Eavesdropping might not be a bad idea.

He held his breath and waited for his silence to betray Peter's body into confessing its illness. So when the sound of flesh against flesh met his ears, his eyes widened in shock. That was a sound he recognized. And that was certainly not the sound of a sick man.

His cock stirred at the sound of Peter's breathing, ragged an quick; at the soft grunts that weren't even loud enough to echo; and when he came with a cry, Neal's cock pulsed with arousal.

He stood stock still with one hand on the handle of the door, not sure if he should run like a coward or stay and pounce like a cat in heat.  He listened to the jangle of Peter's belt and when the toilet flushed he used the sound as cover and yanked the door open, escaping into the low hum of the office. He winced when the door banged shut behind him.

He walked quickly back to his desk and slid into his chair just as the bathroom door pulled open again and Peter stepped out. He kept his eyes forward and walked right by without making eye contact. He made his way to his office and sat behind the desk, eyes down, fingers fidgeting.

Neal sighed. His cock ached and he was having a damn difficult time stopping images of Peter, stroking his own cock, from flooding his mind. Maybe it was time to do something after all.

He pulled put his phone and composed a short text. Hypothetically speaking, if someone had developed inappropriate feelings for someone else's husband, how would someone feel about that?

God. That was no good. His fingers danced over the send key for a long moment. There was no going back after this. No take backs once she knew. He hit the key and tucked his phone in his pocket. He opened the file before him and tried to concentrate on the case that had been falling together before his curiosity had him falling apart.

When his phone vibrated against his chest a few minutes later he grabbed at it without thinking and was alarmed to find that she was calling. He was tempted to send her to voicemail but thumbed the answer key at the last moment.

"Hi." He knew he sounded timid and breathless. His heart felt like he'd just run a marathon.

"Neal." He couldn't read her tone and he swallowed hard. Maybe he had been reading her wrong.

"Elizabeth." He fought the urge to get to his feet and pace.

She sighed heavily in his ear. "It's about damned time." And then she actually giggled.

"What?" Disbelief, even if this is kind of what he'd been expecting.

"You two are so incredibly frustrating. You have my blessing, my permission; 100% of it." She sounded sure and open and Neal's heart raced with gratitude.

"Ok." He was at a loss for words. This woman, this amazing woman.

"I won't call to ruin the... surprise. But tell him I said 'fuchsia'.

He frowned. "Huh?"

"Then he'll know that you talked to me. He'll know it's ok. And Neal? He's going to need to know its ok."

"Fuchsia. Ok." Words were hard.

"Have fun." She laughed again. "Bye."

"El?" The nickname felt weird off his tongue.

"Yeah, baby?" He blushed at the intimacy of one word.

"Thank you."

"No, Neal. Thank You." She disconnected the call and he got to his feet. His feet felt like lead as his eyes zeroed in on Peter and he made his way toward him.

He pushed the door open and stepped inside without knocking and shut the door behind him. Peter's eyes followed him as he made his way to the chair and sat down. "We should talk."

Peter's eyes widened in alarm but when he opened his mouth nothing came out. Instead he just nodded.

"First thing, your wife wants me to tell you Fuschia." If it was possible, Peter's eyes widened further.

"You talked to El?" He swallowed and for a moment Neal was captivated by his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat.

"Fuchsia, Peter." He barely got the words out, his mouth felt like a desert.

"Yeah. Ok." Peter's shoulders slumped a little in relief.

"Second thing. You said my name." Peter clamped his eyes shut as a blush spread across his cheeks. "In the bathroom. As you... you said my name."

Peter brought a hand up and pinched at the bridge of his nose. "That's been..." He sighed and looked up. "That's been happening alot lately. I didn't know... I thought you'd left." He ducked his head and studied his fingers.

A warmth started in his chest and spread out over him until even his toes tingled. "I'm glad I didn't."

When Peter lifted his eyes again it was almost shyly, with a smile tilting up one side of his lips. "Me too."


character: peter burke, mmom2013, title: m, character: neal caffrey, genre: slash, character: elizabeth burke

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