MMOM Day 8 Fic: Growing Up

May 08, 2013 09:38

Title: Growing Up
Author: turtlebaby_02
Fandom: White Collar
Written For: MMOM 2013
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Neal Caffrey/Peter Burke/Elizabeth Burke (Established relationship), OMC
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 507
A/N: Future!fic 10+ years. I still haven't gotten enough sleep. Yeah.

"Guys? I think it's time." El walked up and stood in front of the kitchen table where Peter and Neal were sitting with their heads together, discussing something about the file spread out across the surface.

"Hmm?" Peter flicked his eyes up and smiled at her. "Time for what?"

El sighed and dropped a magazine down atop their mess. "Your son has discovered pornography."

Neal snorted before he reached out for the magazine, flipping through it. "He's got good taste." He turned the magazine towards Peter. "Dog-eared his favorites. That's our boy."

"Hey! That's mine!" Peter snatched it away and rolled it nervously in his hands. "And he's only 11! Isn't that a little young to be..." He raised his eyes back to El. "Why is he our son when he's masturbating and your son when he's winning spelling bees?"

Neal snorted again and Peter whacked the magazine lightly against his arm. "Shut up, you."

Neal held up his hands in mock apology. "Maybe he's not squirreled away in his room touching himself. Maybe there's an innocent explanation."

"Yeah." Peter sighed. " Because there are so many other reasons for keeping porn under your mattress."

"The human body is captivating. I used mine for nude models until I was old enough to get, you know, nude models." Neal shrugged and Peter looked hopeful. "After I was done getting off, that is." He laughed again as Peter frowned.

"Maybe we can just not put it back?" El pulled out a chair and sat.

"Well, that's a bad idea." Neal rolled his eyes. "Then he's going to know we found it. And that we took it. And that we don't think he should have it." He frowned a little and his eyes slid to the side. "We certainly don't want him to be ashamed."

"He's e-lev-en." Peter drew out the word.

"Maybe he's just looking." El spoke up. "I looked at porn when I was a preteen. My friends and I, we'd steal a magazine from one of our parents and flip through it together. I didn't actually use it for a few years."

Both sets of eyes were staring at her. "You're a girl." Peter said.

"Yeah. No offense, El. But if he's looking, he's touching." Neal was shaking his head.

"Boys." She stood and put her palms on the table. "So, you'll talk to him then?"

"Of course we will, El." Neal reached out and patted her hand with a bat of his eyelashes and a toothy smile. "Don't worry."

Peter shot him a glare before plastering on a grin of his own and, mimicking Neal, covered her other hand with his. "We'll try not to traumatize him."

It was El's turn to laugh as she turned to walk away. "Oh. Our poor child. He's doomed."

character: peter burke, title: g, character: neal caffrey, character: elizabeth burke, genre: family, mmom2013, genre: kid!fic, genre: crack

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