It's been a minute.
I felt like I should post something to show that I'm not neglecting this journal completely.
But, all I can think to post is this song. It's my favorite song right now.
Has been for a few years.
It's one of those songs you hold onto.
Almost like a battle cry.
Those days, weeks, months, (years) when things just seem to be a little be harder than normal. Those valley moments where you're just trying to wait out the dark to see the sun come over the horizon. And then you see the sun, and you get a little bit of life back into your lungs.
You find yourself cracking a smile.
Whether it be at a book, or a video, or even a comment from your neighbor when they tell you that it's you they like.
This song is about hope.
About fighting back.
About waiting for the sun again, to seek out comfort in the dark. To know dawn is coming.
So keep fighting.
Fight to turn your guns to a fist.
- Amy