odd and thought provoking

Jul 12, 2006 18:27

So, randomly filling in some blanks, i grew up catholic, very active catholic family, went to catholic grade school k-8, got confirmed yadda yadda. fastfoward, when i first moved to ohio my family filled me in on everything (1999) i knew more about the happenings where i grew up than i ever did when i lived there. Then that september my mom got real sick and it messed up her mind from an apparent lack of oxygen to due to her lung infection that had spread from her stomach so after months of hospitalization and surgeries i came to terms with the fact she would never be the same, and alot of the cool memories and things i thrived on when i was homesick where now gone...my sister and grandma stepped up a lot and filled in that void, summer of 2001 my grandma had a stroke that took her mind a way in the same kind of ways (all is good enough now) so down to one reliable source, my sister. February 2002, she is in a bad car accident. head trauma bad enough that she gets blamed for the accident because she can't remember anything, she is now bi-polar with amnesia so all my sources is gone, so i have come to rely on the news paper online and random old folks newsletters from there. My first stop is always the Obits morbid maybe but i have learned my lesson my mom and sister always think they tell me such and such is dead, and then i go home hanging in the bars and ask wheres bluh...buzzkiller should be my nickname.

So this past New Years Eve my mom actually remembered one and calls me and says hey happy birthday and btw Father Little died yesterday, he was a very cool priest and the one that confirmed me, he wasn't your average orthodox guy. and he never understood why i never came back to church after my last confession with Father Gaus (visiting priest from a different parish, he was old school orthodox and told me not to pray for my friends that killed themselves they had committed sins by taking their lives and that they are now in hell) well that was enough reason for me to say fuck you I don't need your rituals.

Yesterday i read in the obits the only other priest that was at my parish as i was growing up, Father Negaubauer had passed too. He was the one that baptized heard my first confession and gave me my first communion. I find it odd that the only two positive religious figures that i have ever known (male) both have passed with in six months of each other. Maybe its nothing, and its not going to drive me back to a ritualistic environment, but it makes me think...
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