Title: A Lonely Heart’s Sorrow
Author: Dragonfly (TBD)
Rating: T+
Pairing: Danny/Lindsay
Summary: How does Lindsay move on from Danny’s betrayal?
Spoliers: Set after season 4. No spoilers for season 5.
Thanks to SallyJetson for the beta. and Yemam2422 for the inspiration from her latest fic "Back to the Beginning”.
Here is the next two chapters of "A Lonely Heart's Sorrow"
Chapter 6: Good Morning:
The next morning Lindsay awakes to a familiar voice as Danny gently prods her. She opens her eyes only to immediately regret the decision as the harsh morning rays blind her. She gently curls back into the safety and security of her blankets, trying to find comfort but only finding pain as her head punishes her for the previous night.
She lays there unmoving as Danny continues to prod and poke, gradually becoming more forceful as she continues her hibernation, the only sign that she is awake coming from the small groans escaping every few moments. A rumbling stomach soon joins the pounding head and Danny has to jump out of the way as she suddenly rises from the bed and runs to offer her blessing to the porcelain god.
He watches from the doorway, hesitating, unsure of his role in their new relationship, wanting to help, to sooth, to protect, but not wanting to overstep, breaking the invisible rules set between them. Instead he resigns himself to his post and slowly sips his coffee.
She wipes her face with a tissue, continuing to hold steadfast to her receptacle. “Any of that for me?” She asks, her voice hoarse, her eyes downcast, her body slumped on the floor.
He reaches to produce a second cup and gently lowers it to her lips, retaining his grip as she takes a shaky sip of the heavenly liquid. He only allows her a taste before he takes it away, replacing it with pills and water. He watches her as she takes the caplets, noticing the rise of her throat as she swallows, the throat he has kissed a thousand times, whose territory he has marked as his own, marks now long since faded.
“I think I could use a shower.” Her voice drags him back to the present as he shakes off the thoughts of the past.
“Sure, I’ll just wait outside incase you, you need anything.” He takes his leave reluctantly as she eases herself off the floor, trying to remain steady on her feet as the world whirls around her.
She slowly removes the clothes from the night before, sure that she’ll never wear them again. Entering the shower she finally feels better as warmth surrounds and water gently rushes over her body, cleansing away the last 24 hours, returning her to herself once again.
As he hears the shower running, images flood his brain, her moist skin, her subtle curves, her lips moaning his name during their morning shower ritual. He stops himself, knowing where that line of thinking will lead, knowing that now isn’t the time, isn’t the place. He tries to find something to occupy his mind and prevent him from going crazy.
The TV flashes from channel to channel but nothing grabs his attention. He paces the floor, trying to remember every part of his presentation, but his mind runs blank as her gentle splashing is heard in the background, reminding him again that she’s so close, and yet so far.
She wraps herself in a towel, loving the feeling of its softness against her skin. Exiting the bathroom she is surprise to see Danny busily folding her clothes.
“What? I was bored.” Lindsay gives him an unbelieving look before simply shaking her head. “Don’t worry I left the underwear,” he adds as her back is turned.
The memories of last night suddenly return to her muddled brain. The sight of her lacy bra splashed across the table, the golden ring, the shame and guilt. She starts to quickly pick up the discarded garments and shoves them in her suitcase.
“It’s not like I haven’t seen them before.” Danny mutters under his breath.
“Doesn’t mean you get to see them again,” she replies, a warning edge to her voice.
He doesn’t heed the warning, “It’s not like I haven’t seen your whole naked body before.”
“Stop thinking about me naked. You’re not allowed to do that anymore.”
“I can see you naked anytime I want. I just have to close my eyes. I know you, I know your body, I know the way you look when you cum, I know the best ways to make you cum, and cum hard.”
“And you know the best ways to make me cry, and cry hard,” she says before taking her clothes and closing herself in the washroom.
Fuck. Danny hadn’t wanted it to end this way, to go there. He just wanted to remind her, to remind himself that they had been together, been good together. And as stupid and selfish as he knew it was, he also wanted to punish her for trying to find someone else, for being with someone else. Instead he had just ended up punishing himself, remembering all that he had done wrong, all that he had lost.
Chapter 7: Returning to the past:
She never knew how she got through the presentation. Most of her facts and figures came back to her even with her head pounding every step of the way and her stomach doing summersaults. A few times she had forgotten what to say but luckily Danny picked up the slack and kept it all going without a hitch, reminding her once again how well they worked together, how well they fit.
She was actually very impressed with his part of the presentation. She knew that he was good at his job but it was more the getting the bad guy and dealing with the physical evidence that he loved, not so much the paper work and bureaucracy.
They finish the presentation to polite applause; most people taking an interest and few leaving before it finished. As they leave the stage Danny flashes her a huge smile and her heart begins its pitter-patter of old, feelings returning without permission, memories returning as apparitions.
“… make sure you call him sir,” he teases her from behind.
“Perfect fit,” his hand scorching her skin from the mere touch.
“Well hello, Ms. Monroe,” the voice and double take reddening her cheeks as she saunters over to him.
“Wanna go see Rough Sects?” a double take of her own as she realizes what he’s asking.
“Shouldn’t bet against a country girl,” the pride in his voice warming her heart.
“Slow down there Montana. What’d you have in mind?” the shock and playfulness as she steers the conversation into new territory
“No, it’s just dangerous. I might ask you to marry me,” the admiration as he looks down at her, something new showing behind his eyes.
“Have you told anybody else about this?” his worry and insecurity, her loyalty and trust.
“Beats the wheat field, no?” the pride in his city, the hope that she wants to stay.
“If there’s anything you need from me, just let me know okay?” His worry and support, the offer of something more.
“I’m glad this happened.” The way he held her, the way she felt so safe, so secure, so at peace in his arms. A place she never wanted to leave.
The many images from their past dance before her then slowly fade away.
“We still make a good team, no?” he asks, forcing her back to the present.
“Yeah, I guess we do” she smiles back.
They grab their gear, but all she can think about is her reaction to him earlier, how she continues to blame and punish him, that it doesn’t seem to matter what he does now, only what he had done then. How she regrets her earlier words, and letting her emotions get the better of her once again. How she needs to find a way to move forward instead of contently looking back.
“Dan,” she says as he turns to leave, “Thanks, for last night…and this morning.”
“Don’t worry about it. How’s the head doing?”
“Still feels like there’s a drummers’ convention in my skull.”
“Why don’t you head up and pack while I stow the gear in the car.”
“Sounds good. Thanks Dan.”
“No problem, Montana.”
She watches him walk away before turning to grab the elevator, determined to get away quickly. Turning the corner, her body is suddenly thrown against the wall as her skull smacks against the wood paneling. Stars dance before her eyes as a large hand curls around her throat, gripping and crushing her airway. She struggles to breathe as her attacker increases the pressure. She tries to scream but no sound is heard, and there is no one to hear it.