Should really be writing one of my three-ish papers!

Dec 06, 2008 11:47

Yesterday was a good day with the exception of the lame Lamoille school district screwing Matt out of 65 dollars for subbing way back on Halloween. LAME!

Aisha and I decorated our door with what we had. Wasn't bad :) I thought it was cute! But it was good to spend quality time with my roomie since I Hardly get to do that anymore.

After lunch, Aisha, Matt & I went to St. Albans to return the crappy boots I bought at Payless and did some errands for my mom. Then ventured up to Fairfield. Aisha met my parents and my kitty :) So I hope she wasn't too scared of my crazy family! Then we (now by this time Hayley was there!) proceeded to hang out while Matt made cookies. There was a ton of pictures because we were that bored! Trying to kill time till the Burlesque show. Yup for my non JSC friends we had a genuine Burlesque show :) So us ladies went our seperate ways to get ourselves together for the show...for me it meant putting on a whole face of make up :) I didn't mind. It made me feel feminine, which I never EVER hardly do anymore! So, we got to the stage space like at 8 and waited around to see who was there and of course we were the only folks there till about 5 minutes before the show started and then the people started to pour in. The show was good, shame Aisha couldn't have seen the rest of it. She seemed to enjoy it, but oh well :-p I got to cat call Mel and got my picture taken with Scratch. Then after the show was over, I got my pictures taken with all the ladies and then one in particular (Don't worry I will post pictures here!!!) But all and all my night was an exellent one :)

Here is Hayley and I with the MCee Scratch

I started the trend, I jumped in for the picture and everyone else followed! (from Left-right in Caps are the Boston Babydolls) Tanya, Meredith, BETTY BLAIZE,RUBY VON VAUGHN-VAUGHN, me (Duh!), MISS MINA, JOY DE VIE, Hayley, Michaela, & Mel (in the front)

Betty Blaize and myself :)
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