Title: This Close
nova33Word count: 130
Prompt: Snowflake(s)
Rating: PG
Warnings/genres: femslash, romance
Summary/Author's notes: Uh, I wrote a Claire-centric drabble? Which is a bit weird, but there you go.
This close, Claire can see the snowflakes on Allison’s eyelashes, delicate.
This close, Claire’s skin warms with every puff of Allison’s breath.
This close, hands clasped together - Claire’s gloved, Allison’s bare - for warmth or something more, Allison will smile at her, softly, the way she never smiles at anyone else.
This close, Claire appreciates how rare these moments are, and how strange.
This close, Claire sees Allison two ways; as Allison wants to be seen, and as Claire wants to see her.
This close, Claire can almost forget about her mother, and the horrified, disappointed, disgusted look that she can’t help picturing on her mother’s face.
This close, it takes less than a second and less than an inch to press their lips together. And Claire does. Every time.