Title: I’ll Be Here For You
Rating: PG
Summary: Penny takes care of an injured Leonard. Although it’s probably more focused on Penny dealing with Leonard on pain medication.
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Characters/pairings: Leonard/Penny, a little bit of Sheldon at the end
Word Count: 1300
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Enter to see Leonard being adorably crazy. )
Penny accidentally closed the door a little too loud and startled Leonard.
“Shhhhhhh!” He whispered, “Sheldon’s sleeping.”
“I’m sorry!” Penny whispered back.
Penny stared down at him, whispering, “Leonard, don’t you think you’ll be more comfortable on the couch?”
“What couch?”
“The one behind you.”
“I’m already on a couch,” he mumbled sleepily. After being silent for a couple minutes, he whispered, “Penny, I don’t like this couch.”
There are no words for how much I love this exchange!! XD
“Um.” She glanced at Sheldon uncomfortably. “He kind of…fell off the bed.”
He looked at her, confused. “How exactly does one ‘kind of’ fall off a bed?”
Penny rolled her eyes. “He fell off the bed.”
“He fell off the bed and broke his arm? How did that happen?”
She looked down at Leonard, then back up at Sheldon. “I probably shouldn’t go into detail,” she grinned.
LMAO! Oh, great Michelle, now LP have broken a bed, a lamp, the elevator, AND Leoanrd's arm???
Wow. LOL
HAHAHAHAHA! I totally did not think of that! xD That's freakin hilarious. That either means LP are really, really good at it...or, really clumsy. LOL. Or maybe both. ;)
*starts thinking of what else LP could break*
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