so bored im copying stuff out of other peoples journals

Nov 24, 2004 05:40

A is for age: 18
B is for booze: realized this weekend that i dont get enought of it
D is for dad's name: Mark
E is for essential items to bring to a party: cell phone, my hat, and a sober driver to bring my drunk ass home
F is for favorite song at the moment: bulivard of brokend dreams- greenday
G is for girlfriend: alex
H is for hometown: torance/kingswood/mostly troy
I is for instruments you play: none
J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry
K is for kids: none yet......hopefuly not for a long time
L is for living arrangements: moms house
M is for mom's name: Anne
N is for name of your best friend: greg.....and another, but he dont really like me right now, with good reason.
O is for overnight hospital stays: im tough, i dont go to hospitals when im hurt! no jk, none yet
P is for phobia[s]: spiders
Q is for quote you like: "i wish your daughter was this dirty"
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: the one im in right now :)
S is for sexual position: hey im not picky, any position will do for me
T is for time you wake up: umm like 11 or 12 in the afternoon
U is for unique trait: havent found any yet
V is for vegetable you love: i'll eat them all
W is for worst habit: umm idk, procrastinating, im sure theres others
X is for x-rays you've had: foot, teeth, chin
Y is for yummy food you make: i can buy yummy food, does that work?
Z is for zodiac sign: capercorn

First job: farmer jacks
First screen name: pfm4202
First funeral: my grandma

First pet: my dog lassie
First piercing: cant get any good ones cuz of my job
First tattoo: just looking for one that would be cool
First credit card: debt mastercard
First kiss: shannon
First enemy: the hit list is to long for me to type out
First favorite musician: limp bizkit

Last car ride: ride home from work tonight
Last kiss: alex
Last movie watched: envy
Last beverage drank: mt. dew
Last food consumed: waiting for my noodles to finish cooking then that will b the last thing i eat in a long time
Last phone call: my dad
Last time showered: yesterday afternoon
Last CD played: fall out boy
Last website visited: this one

Single or Taken: TAKEN
Sex: male
Birthday: 1-10-1986
Sign: capercorn
Siblings: older sis meghan, ummm brother greg....?
Hair color: brown
Eye color: green
Shoe size: 11
Height: idk like 5'7 5'8

Right now what are you...
Wearing: black gym shorts and a tshirt
Drinking: mt. dew
Thinking about: alot of stuff thats making me depressed
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