Shit, Shit, Fuckin' Shit

Jun 12, 2006 17:06

So it looks like the shitty day is going around. I've been called a lot of things in my short almost 21 years on this "wonderful" planet. But rarely ever have I been called a liar...especially to my face.

Have I ever lied, sure. Do I feel bad, no, not really. But have I ever lied to one of my friends. By friends I mean "real friends." I don't have many, and I don't lie to them.

Today my "what I thought was my best friend" called me a fuckin' liar. Or not had the decency to call me, but text messaged me saying I was a liar. I can't even begin to explain the amount of fuckin' gall you have to have to do that to me.

Without going into too much detail, here's what happened. She called me for help (and she really did need it), I said I couldn't because I didn't have the means to help her but I would still help her later like I promised to. I felt bad that I couldn't help her and couldn't sleep the rest of the fuckin' night. She said ok...then called me back later and said she didn't need my help then either. Ok, I let it go, I was glad she found someone to help her. Then this afternoon she TMs me and says I can't believe you didn't help me when i needed it. I'm surprised and don't believe your story about not being able to help. Thus calling me a liar.

I'm fuckin' pissed. Come on. It's one thing to say I wish you could have helped, it's another thing to say I don't believe what you say. TO YOUR BEST FRIEND. Why bother telling me that? To fuckin' piss me off? Congrats, it worked.

Sorry guys and gals, I had to get that off my chest. I just lost a best friendship that would be 8 yrs. on Wed. and I'm really bummed. I've known this person since Kindergarten and it's like I never did. Oh well I guess. It's a good thing you can choose your friends, it's time like this I miss my Cottey girls.
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