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Sep 08, 2008 19:36

I realize I've been terribly remiss in updating for the past three weeks... I've been so busy! My last two weeks in London have been packed with action due to my trying to jam in the impossible as the time to leave got closer and closer...

Yes, I'm back in Italy now. Arrived yesterday. I'm feeling... sort of ok, but blank and a bit lost... It's a big adjustment after two months, trying to get back into my old life, which now feels like trying to step into an old pair of shoes that no longer fit. I'm trying to see leaving London not as something final, but as a temporary, necessary must, while I sort out my life so I can go back in a year's time for my graduate studies. I'm also going back at the beginning of November for a few days, but more on that later.

Where did I last leave you?

aenigmatica was supposed to come to London, but in the end she couldn't make it, so on the 16th I went down to Horsham instead! It was a lovely day, and I quite enjoyed stepping out of the City and breathing the air of the countryside. Horsham is a small, quiet city, but very beautiful. And spending the day with Ele was great! We've been friends for so long (8 years now!) that even if we haven't seen each other in ages, we can just get back to where we last left it, and chat about anything and everything.

Ele was actually staying in a small village near Horsham I've forgotten the name of. This is the driveway to her family's house:

A church (can't remember the name... Ele?)

And the cemetery:


We went to the Horsham Historical Museum... veeeery interesting.


Various carriages:

Random back alley:

The city hall:

I had to leave quite early because I was due to babysit that night, but we parted happily, knowing we'd see each other again soon enough to go to Stratford-upon-Avon.

On the 17th my friend Alex offered to take me to Bricklane Market and show me the surroundings, as his father grew up there. And we were joined by Marina! She'd just come back from Stratford-upon-Avon, where she'd managed to watch Hamlet a second time, see Russell T Davies from afar, and *gasp* speak to Phil Collinson!! She saw him walking down the street after Saturday's matinee, and of course she walked up to him and engaged him in conversation! Lucky girl!

Here's Marina, Alex, and the three of us:

Then I took her to the Stamp Centre, the wonderful shop on the Strand that is covered wall to wall with Doctor Who merchandise. As a child entering the shop while we were there promptly stated: "Mum! It's Doctor Who Wonderland!"

Then Alex invited us back to his house and made us dinner. :D Marina found out that he'd never watched Doctor Who, and we made it our mission to get him hooked. I don't know how we got there, but we suddenly decide we'd make him watch Midnight. He loved it. Then we thought, we have to show him a funnier episode. And Marina said, in jest: "Why don't we just make an all-nighter marathon out of it?" And to our surprise, Alex agreed! And that's how we ended up sleeping on his sofa after watching Girl In The Fireplace, Human Nature/Family of Blood, and The Unicorn and the Wasp. But it was soo worth it, because Alex liked it so much the next day he started watching it in order from S1. He's now half-way through S3. Our fangirly job is done!

Unfortunately Marina had to go back to California later that week. I will miss her!

The following Saturday (the 23rd) Alex took me to Brighton, where he attends university. It was a lovely, sunny day, and I enjoyed myself throughly.

The beach and the pier:

And the pavilion:

On the 25th, we went to the Notting Hill Carnival. It was fun, I guess, and the parade was nice, but it was way too noisy and full of drunk people. Took some nice pictures, though!

Some more London for you...
Temple Church:

Beach Rugby in Trafalgar Square:

Liverpool Street Station:

The Tate Modern:

The Globe:

The Duke of York's Theatre:

I figure this post is already long enough, and The RSC Open Day deserves one of its own (plus I'm still uploading the videos), so check back on that later!

london08, me

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