thank you for this, DW fans. NOT. I don't believe this! It's ridiculous. He's a PERSON! And he's not doing Doctor Who! Show some respect, for crying out loud!! Thankfully I'm going on a Monday, so hopefully there won't be as many people, but I would definitely understand if he didn't come out. It pisses me off. This is one of those times where I'm ashamed to be a fan, just because I'd be associated with that kind of people. Honestly!
Same thing happened to Freema and Catherine after the Proms - they very kindly tried to go out the stage door to meet the fans (which they absolutely didn't have to do), and were mobbed before they could put a foot out the door and had to go back in after a minute because it was just crazy and even security couldn't hold the crowd off. What's with these people? They were coming out for the fans, it could have been a civilized meet&greet, we could all have gone off happy with our autographs. But no. Everyone had to be FIRST, and then they all complained when the actresses had to be led back inside. Well, I wouldn't like to be stomped on either. AAGH!
Yes, a Proms report is coming, as soon as I have the time to sift through the pictures and videos I took. Know that it was amazing, fantastic, brilliant, awesome... am still in a daze.