London and DW finale

Jul 07, 2008 09:48

Yes, I'm writing you from... LONDON! HEEEEEE! Arrived last night, settling in, the family seems lovely, and Jacob, the little boy I'm supposed to babysit, is just too cute for words! Oh, and the house is great and my room is fantastic (never had a bed this big!). I can't believe I have two months ahead of me to LIVE IN LONDON. Can't quite grasp the concept, which means I HAVEN'T PLANNED ANYTHING! So, suggestions? Where should I go and what should I see? Aside from the obvious most famous places, that is.

Doctor Who Proms, y/n?

As for the finale, I haven't had much time yet to read many fics or metas, as I spent most of yesterday travelling, but I did read these reviews that at least helped making it make sense. And I think I'm starting to accept it. And, well, this just fixed it for me. Yep! This is going to be my personal canon. *grins* Seriously, I think I'm just going to try and think of the positive, which is that if blue!Doctor is going to be stuck in Tennant's body and ageing naturally, this means Tennant can come back and guest-star any time he wants for the rest of his life! And I think it will be interesting to read fics exploring blue!Doctor and Rose. Am still very very sad about brown!Doctor, though, and I can't even touch the Donna thing.

Oh, btw, if anyone else was as stupid as me and DIDN'T watch the ending titles UNTIL THE VERY END, DO SO RIGHT NOW!!

I will write a more detailed review with all the things I loved about the episode when I have a little more time.

I need some British or Anglophile icons.

Going down for breakfast now!

london08, doctor who, tv shows

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