*peeks around the corner*
*brushes dust off lj*
Um, hello?
...anyone still out there?
I am so, so sorry for letting this journal lie dormant for so long. I don't even have a good excuse. Just... I guess I went through a rough phase where I felt like I had nothing interesting to say, and who would care anyway. I didn't feel like dealing with the world, so I didn't see why the world would want to deal with me. When I got out of that, not posting had become this... THING, and I wanted to come back with something special, a fic or a meta or even an interesting post, and... I never did. Several times I started writing a potential post only to chuck the whole thing out when proofreading it because it sounded patethic. And then... I've been without a decent computer for the past several months, and with limited online access, which sure as hell didn't help.
Well, there you have it! I thank everyone of you that sent me a nudge, and I apologize for not replying and disappearing on you. I hope everything is well.
If anyone is still reading...
Why posting now? Well, first of all I just got a brand new laptop. And, I decided it's time to get over my paranoia and insecurities and this is MY journal and I'll post when I want. :)
I finally HAVE something to celebrate, and what other place to come shout it out than here?
I'M GOING TO LONDON FOR THE SUMMER! Two months as an aupair girl, in the centre of London, hosted by a very very nice family and all I have to do is help out with their two year old son. I'm so happy! I'm leaving on Sunday, so expect a lot of updates on that.
I also feel I have to warn you that my interests in fandom have somehow... shifted. I'm not much active anymore in the HP and QAF fandoms. I still read fics by favourite authors, and I still tune in when there's something special going on (like
hd_worldcup or
qaf_challenges), but I don't really go looking for fics and metas and it's been a while since I rewatched or reread the canon.
In the course of the past year, I found myself rediscovering a great love for the X-Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, enjoying het pairings like Mulder/Scully and Buffy/Spike. I already see the slashers running away screaming... heh, what can I say? It's never just been about the HOTBOYSEX for me, as much as it is about the chemistry between the characters. And those pairings have plenty and those shows rock!
But I guess that my great big new LOVE that occupies most of my thoughts these days is DOCTOR WHO. Being in the DW fandom has been a whole new experience, as it's the first I've been involved in when the show is still in progress. I find myself not reading fics so much, but partecipating in meta discussions, and reading interviews, and speculating madly and obsessing about what will come next. And I completely, utterly adore David Tennant. Never had such a powerful crush on an actor before.
So I guess that's it, in a nutshell. For now. Not a great post, nothing particularly interesting, but hey, that's me at the moment and I decided to stop hiding who I am and wanting to be different. At least here. And I see more posts coming. Defriend me if you want without feeling guilty, or comment if you'd like. But anyway thank you for reading this far!