Jan 20, 2009 17:08
Why haven't I updated in a while, not much to say really.
But today, I guess I should say something. I waited for this day for so long as did many Americans.
We waited for the day when our country would be returned back to the people.
We waited for the day when the symbol of change we are holding up for all the world to see finally takes the reigns.
We waited for the day when we could say to the world, "Sorry for the last eight years. We hope this makes up for it."
We waited for the day when balance and civility were once again introduced into our Executive office, hoping that it becomes an infection that spreads to the Legislative branch as well.
Now we wait some more -
Will the seeds that have been planted bear fruit?
Will our hopes for a more intelligent and more compassionate leader come to pass?
Will we once again be able to hold our heads high when we travel abroad and say proudly "I am an American?"
Will our elected representatives finally get it?
History has been made today but the rest of the chapters are still to be written.
Let's turn the page together, shall we?