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brenk from whome I gakked this meme where somebody gives you a letter, and you think of ten words and what they conjure up. Brenk gave me D.
Down - the swoop when the rollercoaster drops with a down derry and your stomach is so 50 feet in the air and you’re giggling and screaming until you land on the down stuffed…
Duvet - what the British call a comforter cover, don’t cha know?
Detonate-the action before the explosion that could leave you in a million passionate pieces.
Dubuque - a place of transition; here cross the widest bridge over the Mississippi River.
Danger! - Don’t Do it!
Dragon - as in, my ass is…? No, a scaly, ancient, greedy lizard gorging on gold.
Drumbeat - sets the pace.
Digitalis - that witches distill from Foxglove; a little is good for the heart.
Donner Pass - conjures a horror and makes me wonder-what would I have done?
Drowsy - the feeling that comes of snuggling under my down filled duvet.