I think I'm getting old...

Mar 03, 2008 20:15

I always believed that "Sailor Moon" was the first anime I've seen. Seriously, that was one unhealthy obsession I had there. But recently, Cecile's (one of my flatmates) elder brother and his cute French accent came to visit, and he talked about some anime about French revolution. I seriously couldn't remember anything like that and then, hallelujah, of course. "The Rose of Versailles". I remember that! When I was spending summer in Germany I use to watch it when Anne and Maciej were at school. Summer holidays in Poland are in July and August while in Germany only in August so I had to fend for myself while they were at school. Oh I remember Lady Oscar and Andre. Oh the tears! So for the past weeks I've been watching two episodes per day and oh the memories! I was actually recording that one for Anne back then and we were singing the opening song *all* the time until our mothers said that if they'll hear it one more time, they will ban us from watching it :P It's actually the only anime I can't stand watching in Japanese. Luckily for me, the full series is on YouTube in German. Plus I have to applaud Riyoko Ikeda or whoever made the series for NOT using the stupid "let them eat cake" line - so tired of hearing that nonsense. So I started remembering all the old animes I use to watch when I was a child and before the reign of Sailor Moon. Anime was really unpopular in Poland back then. Most of the ones on Polish TV were just adaptations of books like "Anne of Green Gables"and "The Little Princess" and then there was one on German TV based on "Little Women". I remember one about Robin Hood (woah! Gilbert love!), which I think I'll watch now cause it's on YouTube too (in German too) and it so funny to suddenly remember stuff like that. I remember images from few other series but I can't remember their titles. I know there was one about a girl living in mountains and she had a little brother who fell down somewhere and couldn't walk and she blamed her best friend for it. And then the one about three (?) sisters being thieves. And then one about a girl changing into a pig-superhero (yes, there WAS one like that). Well, then Sailor Moon started and after that Dragon Ball and suddenly anime was all over TV. "Slayers", "Magic Knights Rayearth", "X/1999", "Ranma 1/2" (P-CHAN!!!) and all the others I can't even list. Arguing with people that anime is different thank American cartoons was not as entertaining as before because everyone was watching something :P But I'm determined to find these series and watch them and be all melancholic and say stuff like 'aww, these were the days'. I want to be 10 again when the biggest crisis in life was missing the last episode of Sailor Moon and having to wait moths for them to air the series again and then wait about 200 episodes just to see the last two. 
God, I NEED a break. Just looking at books is painful now. It pains me to say this, but if I'll have to read anything else about Alexander, I will SCREAM! And Friday is ages away...
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