Nov 08, 2008 18:27
Good day readers!
For various reasons, I'm going to follow the lead of some (read: almost all) of my lj friends and make my lj friends only. I'm rather liberal with whom I friend; so, it shouldn't exactly make for any awkward social situations.
I do admittedly worry that, in losing my random thoughts into the universe for whoever is reading, I'm making myself more guarded than I truly care to be. I've quite enjoyed the numerous comments overtime from anonymous posters. So, if you are an anonymous poster and reading this, "so long and thank for all the fish." If you wish to keep reading, you'll have to friend me. Don't worry, you don't ever have to write in your journal, or tell me who you are - I'll happily friend almost anyone. So, I guess this is the end of taziarm in the public realm.
Hundreds of posts later in admitting extremely personal things, I'm signing off. If any of you care to know why, simply ask. Truth in all things.
Taziar M.