the how

Jun 06, 2006 12:46

Plutonic intensity tattooed on my life.

Being the one driven, so driven to lead my own quest to figure out why and how the suffering and the insanity of this race works and how to transcend it.

It started off as a quest to save the world, a ridiculous quest born out of the demise of a post 9/11 relationship with a girl. Then it turned into a quest of personal understanding.

Then it turned into a quest of personal empowerment. Only for the reason that I can only take responsibility for my own life, my own insanity, my own pain. It's that simple.

No longer does my pathology contain this urge to share the answers I've found with everyone. I don't have that need for validation. I don't think everyone needs to know what I know. I don't think posting the depths of my spiritual insights on livejournal is a good thing I view that as an awkward intermediate step of my awakening into this consciousness which took place out of a need for validation.

These days I prefer to give my inspiration through interpersonal interaction and my music. That's why you don't find me writing as Tazer very much anymore.

However, this journal remains here for whenever my fingers strike it. I'd like to try starting some sort of stories which demonstrate certain truths. Or maybe I'll just write my lyrics, or the same old tazerfloyd lightning flow obscurely coherent ramblings.

On the note of personal empowerment, I find that the most empowered people in this world are the ones who have made fear their bitch. They are conscious of every fear and consciously direct the actions to which that energy goes. Same with sexual urges, although those take a little more skill to direct (read tantra). Mastery of both takes years and years to accomplish but is rewarding at every step of the way.

Anyways... If anyone wants to e-mail me, you can find me at .
If you want to keep up on what i share of my personal life on LJ, please find me at mystimoot.

Anyway, here's a picture for you, and one of my recent lyrics.

You have,
My official permission,
My official permission,
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