Aug 26, 2005 10:11
Hey everyone, hows everyone doing? Not much here really. I just started college back up and I love it. Yeh I love school have a problem with that? LOL its just the environment thats like amazing me. Hhehe. So I have been sooo much better these past few days. My friends are helping me to keep my head up high and dont worry about what happened earlier this month. Oh well you know, its life. I have my music to cheer me up, Im on the tennis courts everyday, and I have my friends talking to me and always there for me. I am having such a better life now. So this semester at college I am taking Intermediate algerba, Tennis 1, Software applications, and Sociology. I think I have firgured out what I want to do with my life. It was weird because it was a day out of the blue too that I actually had a calling for and that is to become a pharmacist. I think it would be neat and quite a challenge. We will see what happens with that. Other than that, things has happen that are good but I dont feel like telling them on here, but let me just say this, I am just very grateful what I have now. Think whatever you want from that but if your good my friend maybe I'll tell you. Everyone take care. God Bless.