Christmas in the Hospital

Dec 30, 2008 12:15

In case your wondering if I’ve fallen ill.  Then the answer is no.  It so happens that my Froggy has work on Christmas Eve.  So he asked me if I would accompany him on his night duty that day.  Since it’s our first Christmas together.  I said yes.  So I packed up some gear and invited my best friend if she wants to meet up and stay for the night in the hospital.   Which she was alright with.  (Thanks Ge!)  We even joked about getting admitted so we can have a private room with a bed, tv and toilet.  Renting it like a hotel room.  Though we did no such thing.  We just camp, yes camp complete with sleeping bags in one of the unused office spaces they have.  It was alright, despite the lack of sleep.  By midnight, we went to the doctor’s lounge to have a Noche Buena feast.  Though innovation with utensils is a bit ingenious.  And quite hygenic if I might add.  We were using tongue depressors as our spoon.  Neat huh?!  He he he he.  After the midnight snack, I went back and try to get myself some shut eye.  I think I fell asleep arounf 3am.  By the end of Froggy’s duty, we dropped off my best friend at her house and then we went straight home.  We were able to get an hour of sleep before we got ready for the Christmas lunch with the in-laws.  I made baked macaroni while Froggy grilled some pork chops.  My in-laws prepared a lot of food too!  And they even ordered a turkey from Savory.  What it tastes like?  It’s  like a bigger version of their usual Savory chicken.  Currently, my minds is mud.  I still lack sleep.  Though the Froggy is ribbiting away in his lala land.  All I can say of my day is that you can chalk this one up as an experience at the same time a memorable first Christmas.

Happy Holidays everyone!!!!

A humble Noche Buena from the TMC ER Staff

The tireless people who give a damn for patients coming in during Christmas!

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