I was of course very nervous on Sunday morning, up too early before my audition. Had a normal breakfast, sort of looked over the music (I can't practice while Jameson is sleeping), and killed time until it was time to head out.
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The audition site was easy to find, at the Universal HR building. My instrument and phone were put through a scanner, and I was given some paperwork (a nondisclosure and a basic info form for the audition panel) which I filled out and returned, then was released into the HR lobby to wait. Several other trombonists were there ahead of me warming up and whatnot. Andrea (the only other professional female trombonist in Orlando apparently) was there too. We chatted nervously while we warmed up our instruments and giggled over our lousy faux French accents. Damn nice to have another woman in the warm-up room!
I'd only waited about 10 minutes before I was called to the audition space, a separate building but a short walk away. I was taken to the "backstage" area where one trombonist was getting measured for potential costumes, another was waiting for his turn at measuring, and a third was in the middle of his audition behind closed doors (we could still hear him.) It's inappropriate to ask what takes place during the audition, so instead I asked Waiting Trombone Guy how it went for him and he gave me "meh." The trombonist ahead of me came out and queued up for measurements, and then it was my turn.
I walked into the bright white room. There were 5-6 people sitting at the table across from me (was too nervous to count 'em.) I smiled and said, "Bonjour, mon amis!" which was one of the phrases the dialect coach had suggested. I recognized three people on the audition panel.
The next several minutes went like this:
- Played a short "
can-can" piece, which went pretty well until I messed up counting my rests (but was told rest-counting hadn't been required anyway.)
- Played "When The Saints Go Marching In," which was our improv piece. I played the melody once, then had to improvise over two choruses. I did mediocre at this.
- Played a
"ritz"-style excerpt. It wasn't perfect, but I think it was the best part of my audition. There were a lot of tricky rhythms, plus it was fast. Waiting Trombone Guy had said they'd cut him off partway through his ritz, we heard the guy who went before me get cut off as well, and later while I was getting measured I heard Andrea get cut off before the end. But they let me finish the whole thing, which was vaguely encouraging...no idea if it means anything.
- Was asked to hit a nearby snare drum with a stick in time to taped audio, to show that I could keep a steady tempo.
- Was asked to read a chunk of script. It was one we'd practiced with the dialect coach the night before. I made sure to move away from the music stand and try to evoke some stage presence. Though I didn't look away from the script for fear of losing my place, I did keep my right hand free to do dramatic gestures, and kept a smile on my face.
- Did some simple movements with a member of the audition panel, who stood next to me to demonstrate each movement. One was a simple can-can kick, another was that little side-to-side foot shuffle that people do at weddings when they want to dance but aren't dancing (lol), and the third one was a basic
And that was it!
I went backstage and was measured all over...I mean all over, hips and torso and wrists and head and everything. Then I was led back to the HR lobby where I collected my things and peaced out. Phew.
Overall this went better than a lot of auditions I've had in the past. I was terrified, shaking and sweating, but the cruel and demeaning voice in my head that usually tears me apart any time I make a mistake was blessedly quiet this time. Usually my nerves get worse and worse over the course of an audition, until I'm openly trembling and barely able to play. This time I'd make a mistake and get nervous, but would be able to move ahead without the past mistake affecting the next part of the audition. A small improvement/victory.
They want to start onboarding whoever they pick within the week, so I should know results in the next three days.
I got home in time to help Jameson remove his cast!
Underneath were three incisions, all stitched up. One is on the back of his elbow, one on top of it, and another at the heel of his hand.
Wish I'd thought to take pictures of all the wrappings, because there were a lot. After he was uwrapped he enjoyed his first shower since Tuesday (eew poor guy), and I washed the bedsheets so he could feel fresh and clean tonight too :) We covered his incisions in large band-aids as instructed, and will change them out each day. We had lunch, I'd intended to practice but didn't feel like it, and then my first transcription job of the new year showed up anyway so I got started on that instead!
Jameson is feeling down about the scars that he'll have from his surgery. I suppose he didn't know how big they'd be, and right now they are of course very visible. Having survived a dog attack when I was middle school-aged, I have large scars on my left shoulder, punctures and slashes that could never fade even with scar reduction cream. So I understand how he feels. Tried to reassure him that after a while, he'll forget they're even there. Or when someone asks about them, you can make up a fun story about being chomped by sharks (this was always my go-to) or pulling a puppy from a burning building or something. Just trying to cheer him up. He smiled a bit but I know it will take time to mentally adjust to and accept the "new look."
Monday I was up early to run errands so that I could THEN work on transcription.
Breakfast and then to the bagel shop (cinnamon raisin for Jameson, egg, wheat, and French toast for me.) To the grocery for more large band-aids for Jameson and more yogurts for me. Back home to help Jameson change his bandages, then transcription for about two hours. Lunch and practicing my Disney stuff. I'd wanted to practice my bass stuff too, but was worried about transcription because if I actually do get one of the trombone jobs at Universal, whether full time or sub, it will really fill up my schedule in coming week.
For dinner we ordered from our favorite Greek place, and for no reason at all they gave us a complementary baklava!
Their baklava are house-made and absolutely fantastic.
Tuesday, up at 6:30 to get in an hour of transcription, then breakfast and packing up for a rehearsal day at the Magic Kingdom.
I felt a bit nervous...do I remember everything?...but that's why it's a REHEARSAL day. There's no expectation, you just do your best and see where you're at.
We played through this and that for the group rehearsal part, nothing crazy, the full band wasn’t there. There were some cute holiday decorations in the warm up room: a full gingerbread band!
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Close-up of trombones:
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I was told that they had made a whole gingerbread castle at one point, complete with flying Tinkerbell.
The band’s hats still have the little festive sprig of holly.
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It was “cold” out, so the band wore their winter jackets today. I have never worn mine, nor been fitted for one...so it was a little big! Lol
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I got to play the parade but that’s about it, just practiced on my own for the rest of the time or watched sets. It was nice to see the big Christmas tree in the Main Street plaza, and the holiday decorations still up. It is still, always, a privilege to be here.
I had been nervous for no reason. It was a very chill day, and it was nice catching up with the guys :)
After they went out for the flag retreat, I waited until 5 and then clocked out. Picked up sushi at Publix for Jameson and I.
We ate together and I told him about my day. Then he gave me this present, that had been meant for Christmas but just showed up today.
You know what? Jameson's really the best.
Had terrible sleep because of indigestion + some vacationers nearby chose between 2am-6am to drag race their Mustangs around our residential neighborhood (like wtf, if it happens again I'm calling the cops.)
Up early for transcription, but to my surprise the audio completely stopped a full hour before the end of the hearing! It was some sort of bizarre audio error; like, I could SEE the audio track continued, but it would not play no matter what I did. When this happens I have to submit the hearing as incomplete. This case has been rife with other audio and content issues, so it's still going to take me another day to complete at least.
Jameson left for a doctor's appointment so I took the opportunity to scrub the shower, my least favorite chore. When that was done I tackled transcription again, ate lunch, and practiced THE BASS for the first time. I didn't do a fantastic job, but it wasn't horrible either, it will simply take some getting used to. The thing is incredibly heavy and even these ergonomic triggers are uncomfortable in some ways (literally all bass trombones are like this to my knowledge) so it's partially strength-building and partially making further modifications so I can play without pain.
Later on Jameson had a second appointment, this one about his stitches. They have to stay in for another week, not surprisingly.
At the time of this post no one has heard anything about the Universal audition results. Andrea and I suspect that they won't take any of us, but will instead hire actors who can hold instruments and then play an audio track to whatever they're doing on stage. It would make sense for them to prioritize the acting aspect of the new show...and it would be cheaper. Bottom line: they told us that orientation would be on the 9th. Today was when offers would have gone out, it's now after 7pm and no one's heard a word. Oh well.
Thursday: Transcription, practicing, dentist appointment, cooking dinner.
Friday: Honestly not sure. Cleaning? Going for a walk? Throwing out my dead plants I suppose.
Saturday and Sunday: Possibly a new transcription job, and either asking for more transcription hours or reaching out to the hat shop to let them know I'm ready to come back since Universal is apparently not happening.