Jun 01, 2022 10:48
I drove to Costa Mesa yesterday. So grateful to be out of the horrible Golden Nugget.
Now I am in a lovely hotel with a balcony overlooking a dog park, and a refrigerator to hold all of my goodies.
But guess what!
Jameson tested POSITIVE for covid yesterday!!!!
How wild is that?? That we are thousands of miles apart, have avoided covid together for this entire time, and when we finally do both get it it's the SAME week! Is it a conspiracy? Is covid transmitted via the bonds of relationships??
He's very frustrated of course. He was supposed to have hernia surgery on the 9th, and now it has been pushed back to the 16th.
Which to me is a Good Thing, because I'll be home to help him with anything he needs.
He was going to have friends checking in on him, but to me that is not the same.
If you wake up in the middle of the night with a fever because your incision is infected, is your friend going to answer the phone at 4am to take you to the ER? I think not. I would much rather be there. I know he thinks it's all the same and would rather just get the surgery over with but, selfishly, to me, I'm relieved about this aspect of things. And grateful to the universe for lining it up so he'll have me around.
I actually slept well last night for once. I do not think I was getting good sleep in Vegas because it was so damned loud and the air was so damned dry. Despite that, I still woke up at 8am and will probably take a nap later.
Yesterday I felt 95% better, but today I feel fuzzy in the head again, am a little more conjested, and I have a weird heavy feeling in my throat and chest. It isn't sore, I don't even feel the need to cough and my temperature is completely normal, so it is probably just residual things. This has happened to me with the flu before too, symptoms sort of coming in waves of decreasing intensity.
I also did a lot of stuff yesterday after an entire week of basically sitting on my ass. Drove four hours, went grocery shopping, walked a mile to get back to the hotel after dropping the car off. It was probably pushing it.
Today I am going to push it a little more, but I will keep an eye on myself.
I want to go to Mitsuwa, it is a 2-mile walk round trip and it is 73 degrees out. I will hydrate, take my time, and get an Uber if needed.
I also want to go to Boudin SF for a loaf of sourdough bread. A little under two miles round trip.
I don't think four miles is all THAT much. Especially if that's the only activity I plan to do all day.
That's the update. Tomorrow I will take it very easy (should probably do that today but I don't wanna) to ensure I'm over the hump.
The only other things on my docket this week are to do work for my new job, return the bathing suit that I'd ordered (doesn't fit right in the bewbs), and try one or two restaurants via contactless pickup.
Oh, and keeping an eye on Jameson as much as I can from several time zones away.
travel day,
friends and family,