Feb 18, 2022 09:11
02/14: What are your favorite indoor activities?
A: Reading, baking, cooking, cleaning (or rather the feeling after cleaning of getting to chill out in a clean house), writing, quiet puzzles or games, being in the same room with Jameson, poking my nose into whatever Jameson is doing.
02/15: What are your favorite outdoor activities?
A: Going for walks, taking pictures of stuff, thrifting, stressing over what to buy/not buy, being in nature, gardening, finding new things in general.
02/16: What are you most fascinated by at the moment?
A: Peoples' OBSESSION with having a hand in what others are doing. Their NEED to control, or feel that they have some control, in other peoples' lives. What the hell is that about? Why is it necessary? On both an individual scale and on a government/country/global scale, we are always interfering with each other. I'm not talking about being social or expressing ourselves or our views/opinions/thoughts to each other, but rather this need we all seem to have to exert control over each other via words or actions or legislation. It's no longer just "expressing an opinion" when your goal is to MAKE the other person do what you want. I wonder how the world would be different if we weren't like that.
02/17: Would you rather ask for help with a difficult task, or figure it out for yourself?
A: I would like the opportunity to try the task myself, for as long as possible and from as many different angles as possible, before asking for help (which is absolutely necessary and often exactly what is needed).
02/18: Most important in a partner or best friend: intelligence or sense of humour?
A: Oh intelligence by far. Funny and stupid gets old very quickly. (This is presuming that the acceptance of one trait would mean the lack of the other).
02/19: What did you love to do as a child?
A: Play make-believe. Play in the snow. Read. Go for walks. Watch mom bake.
02/20: What's invisible, but you wish people could actually see it?
A: Intentions.
just because,