Dec 05, 2011 22:05
Castiel icon because I feel like it.
I feel like a bit of an overachiever for saying this, but this is the first time that I've been in a position where an A+ is beyond my reach. I... do not know how I feel about this. I knew about it before now, but instead of studying I decided to figure out the exact requirements to get A's in the courses I'm taking this semester and. It's a weird feeling.
I assumed that since I was pretty good at my IB Calculus last year, taking entry-level Stats and Calculus would be no big deal. Well, I guess if I hadn't been good at it, I wouldn't be in a position to still get an A, but still. I don't know if I should be disappointed in myself or not. I'm just really... apathetic. At this point I think I have a shot at getting the A's, if I buckle down and study - but I'm not exactly known for my work ethic. Case in point, me posting this rather than studying. I feel like, realistically, when I first started the courses I could have gotten A+'s, but like I said, procrastination and all that good stuff.
I don't want to be like some of my friends who go around saying, 'well, if I tried I could have done better'. I mean, I feel like that's true in my case (lolhypocrisy) but it annoys the fuck out of me when they say that. You've been saying that for years, and this 'trying' has never materialized. You got bad on one of the two assignments you've done? Well, that's an awesome excuse to not try on the next two.
... But that's not the point of why I'm posting this - I don't want this to degenerate any further into a rant about my friends' foibles. I guess I want this to be around for posterity, in the hopes that it will motivate me in the future?
So, self. Just because you don't get it at first, or are bored, that is no reason to surf the internet for fanfiction. That awesome idea you just have to write down (but never get around to finishing and actually posting, ffs) can wait.
I guess the test as to whether or not me trying will result in me getting better will be whether or not the A's I know I can get materialize? Heh...
And I somewhat feel like I should stfu about my first world problems.
Also, since I no longer love Calculus and Stats like I did in high school, I was looking into the requirements for an Economics degree (because that has been my favourite class this semester). Apparently it's suggested that an applicant take Intro to Computer Science.
Lolwut? Ok, I think I- No, wait. What? Seriously? (This could be a dealbreaker.)
... And I want to drop Intro to Psych ahahaha-- /shot
real life