Ok so lets see how long this can be. hahaha.
I already wrote about Thursday so we'll pick up from there.
Friday the tour was in Canada so it was our "off day" I guess. even though it wasn't haha. Michelle and I went to Walmart and Winco to waste time/get cookie making stuff and went back to her house to make cookies, brownies, and rice crispy treats. By the time they were all done it was about 3am so we decided to go back to my house so I could take a shower and do laundry, and then just head up to Seattle from there.
So all in all we didn't sleep, and made it up to Seattle around 12pm on Saturday:
We pretty much just sat around in my car trying to stay away from the creepy guy that worked the parking lot. He kept telling me I was beautiful and doing stupid things like jokingly keeping my car key away from me. Finally the "fag bus" (note to all viewers: in no way do I support gay bashing, but people who know these dudes know that it is definetly the fag bus.) showed up and unloaded in the front, and Michelle and I stocked the bus with the cookies/candy and other things that boys like to party with. We somehow got roped into going on the "find somewhere to park the bus" trek, which pretty much just circled the same three blocks over and over again.
Around 4pm Michelle and I went to the airport to pick up Zebrahead's secret present. aka MOTHER FUCKING TARA FACE. The secret was a big hit. Oh, one side note, when we were at the airport some troops were coming home and it was really heartwarming to see.
somewhere in between we went to Dick's with Ed and Matt Wong. Ed drove my car. hahahaha.
anyway...so we hung out watching...fuck I forget what it was. i know that Thursday we watched Wedding Crashers, and last night we watched 24...ugh. oh well. Mollie, Michelle, Taraface, Ali and I sat on the bus for awhile as Mollie passed around massages.
"so whats the diagnosis [on Ali's fucked up back], Mollie?" - me
"he fucked up his back due to excessive rocking" - Mollie
Then Elvis and Kristin showed up and it was drama central for awhile but eventually things got worked out (kind of) and we got in in enough time to catch the last 2.5 songs from Zebrahead.
Tonight was probably the funniest just because it seemed like there was not ONE person who wasn't plastered out of their mind.
Ben? Drunk as fuck.
Ali? Drunk as fuck.
Greg? he grounded me and kept stumbling around and called Michelle his girlfriends name. He was the best, and apparently doesn't remember anything.
After the show we found out that there was a photo booth!! So of course we had to rally up as many people as possible and take pictures. I snagged Matty. sigh. haha.
Once inside the bus once again, I'm not really sure what all happened. HAHA. I remember talking shit to Mike and him getting on top of me and humping me. and I remember him being THISCLOSE to teabagging Tara, who was asleep. haha so anyway the night wound down and Jeremy (the best fucking bus driver, EVER, by the way) climbed aboard, which meant it was time for us to leave.
Oh also on this night I believe Michelle, Mollie and I danced with almost every member of the Zebrahead clan during Reel Big Fish. HAHA. I believe we tagged Matty, Ben, Ali, and possibly Mike. Or maybe that's just Michelle that got Mike...
*insert obligatory seattle sleepover at Elvis' here*
Sunday we woke up an hour and 20 minutes after I set my alarm to, got our things together, and started to head out to Spokane. Got there, hung out in their dressing room (or was it Goldfingers room? haha no one really knew) for the majority of the time. Dan from Bottom Line kept coming in and gradually ate the entire bowl of fruit laying on the table. This is what I will call our bonding time because we never really talked to the Bottom Line guys (even though we had a highway/gas station date today too) but we seemed to become friends with a few of them today. Good guys.
We wen't to Dominos and got three Pizza's and brought them back and everyone else ended up eating them.
hahaklsfha;lsf Kelly from Goldfinger came in and was trying to figure out how he was going to wear his scarf to celebrate Elvis' (not seattle elvis) birthday, and he is just fucking funny. Kelly is hillarious.
Other than that I don't think anything too eventful happened, but today ties for my favorite day. The Big Easy is an AMAZING venue, and the kids were totally into ZH. I didn't watch Goldfinger, but I guess John Feldman jumped off something and fucked his knee up. No one's really expecting him to want to finish the tour when they come back in six days.
OH WAIT HAHA during Zebrahead, Ali was talking about the circle pit, and started to give the kids the good ol "keep each other safe" speech. You know, the one that starts off as "if someone falls.." and you usually end it with "...be sure to help them up!" but instead, Ali says "if someone falls...you know...kick them". I laughed fucking hard because it was funny, but I guess Mike, who was taping on the side of the stage, laughed so hard he had to put down the video camera. This was definetly the quote of the night.
Afterwards I watched about three hours worth of the show 24 with Ali and Ben and I'm completely hooked. It was intense as hell. I'm not going to start watching the show, but I'm almost convinced to buy the DVD.
Charlie and Kelly from Goldfinger, and Matt Wong made some appearances which were both appreciated and hillarious. I dished the shit out to Chris and Mike, as usual, and Michelle took one amazing picture of Matty.
I'm sure I'm leaving out 9328957230759817359 things, but I'm sure you'll hear Michelle and I yelling "AAAAAY-OOOOOO" or "ALI?" "CHRIS?" "HAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY", and at which point you can just nod and realize that we're a part of the fag bus now, due to the completely retarded actions that emerge from a person after spending more than 10 minutes inside that thing.
One more thing. I lasted from Wednesday morning when I woke up, to Saturday night with a combined total of about four hours of sleep. Needless to say, I was hallucinating on the way up to Seattle. I started seeing things, I'm not even lying. I saw people running across the highway, I saw red safety cones which were not there, and I saw Mr Clean (who may or may not be identified as Dustin).