Back in Hell

Aug 06, 2004 14:04

Yes, friends, I am back in the hell-hole known as Oklahoma. I am convinced that this is one of the worst places on earth, just behind Atlantic City. I can't go anywhere without seeing FOX fucking "News" Channel. I forgot how much I hated Bill O'Reilly until I was stuck in Mama Lou's (local coffee shop catering to old men who should have stopped smoking a long time ago) listening to good ol' Bill gloating to Chrissy Gephardt about the recent amendment to Missouri's state constitution.

And why is it that Oklahoma insists on keeping this satan's jizz drenched state devoid of anything interesting to do or see? The fun thing to do here is get an abortion. All the girls are doing it. What the hell is there for me here, though?

On a good note: This state reminds me of just how much I LOVE cowboys and rednecks. Unfortunately, these are the same bastards who scare the shit out of me.
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