Short Update

Jul 10, 2005 14:11

So, nothing much new going on really.

I have been trying to spend like a LOT less time on the computer.  I have been really arguing with Rick about being on the computer too much.  He is ALWAYS on it and it drives me insane, so I have to set a good example and stay off unless there's really not much else to do.

We had our anniversary on June 28th.  It was our 2 year wedding anniversary!  The 15th was our 3 year anniversary of actually meeting each other.  Seems like it's been forever!  Only 3 years and already 2 kids, wow!

Taya's doing great, she has been so happy lately, I love it.  She's been a bit hard to get to sleep lately, but that's not a huge deal.  She LOVES going out in the car and shopping and just being out of the house period.  She gets whiney when all we do all day is just sit in the living room and watch TV and play music.  So when we go out, she is SO good.  She just looks out the car window and watches things go by, and sits in the carriage like a big girl and watches the sites in stores and outside.  She loves when we are in the car and we go over bumps and small hills that make you lose your stomach!  LMAO  She's into a good eating routine now.  I'm not sure she is still eating as much as she should be, and I don't think she's putting on much weight, but at least she's not refusing food anymore.

Jameson is a mad man!  He's getting up on all fours now and rocking back and fourth, and sometimes he gets on all fours, but not on his knees, but on his tip toes and raises his bum way up in the air so he looks like an upside down V  it's really cute.  He falls a lot too, and bumps his head, he doesn't always cry about it either.  He's a little bruiser.  He's been SUCH a whiner lately it's making me crazy!  He doesn't like to be restrained in any kind of a chair or bouncy etc... so he plays on the floor all most all day.  Well he pushes himself around the room backwards and ends up in weird spots like under the coffee table or with his head up against the couch, etc...  Then he cries!  So I am constantly trying to put him somewhere he wants to be, and when he sees me walk away he cries!!!  I can't get anything done!  I hope it's just a phase and once he starts crawling he will be happier cuz he'll be able to get to things he wants on his own.  I'll have a short video clip of him trying to crawl soon, I left my camera cord at my friend's house so I can't upload the videos, or pictures!  I'm now only nursing him like 3 times a day at most, and every night.  He has bottles and solids now, and he eats solids like a little piggy!  Teething I think too, cuz he wants to chew EVERYTHING, and cranky.

That's about all I have time to write about at the moment!  I'll try to do more on here, I say this a lot, but I really have been busy!  LOL  Here's some new pics...

That is my nephew Matthew^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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