
Dec 05, 2004 10:22

Hey everyone!  I haven't updated in a long time!

Today is Sunday, I am 34 weeks and 4 days pregnant!  Can't even believe how fast the time has went.  We have been trying to get the Christmas shopping done, but unsucessfully so far.  We are so happy to find out that we are going to be able to face Taya forward in the car now, once we get her new car seat!  As far as I knew her head control wasn't strong enough to face her forward in case we were to have an accident there would be a greater chance of her injuring her neck.  Well, basically her therapists said that no matter what everyone in the accident will get whip lash if you hit the right way, no matter if Taya's neck is strong enough, or not.  So we ended up choosing this seat...

See it's got a lot of extra padding around the head which is good for Tay.  The therapists did say that those there side thingies would be the only thing they would reccomend for her, so it will just help her keep her head from falling to the sides, and in case of an accident it would just limit the amount of directions her head could actually get bumped around.  We most likely won't be using that U shaped head rest thingy, she's too tall I think for that, but we'll see, maybe if we just move it all up as far as we can, it will fit.

I have been sick now for over a week.  It started with a sore throat, and then I started to feel it in my lungs like I used to get all the time.  Except the good thing is this time my asthma didn't act up hardly at all!!!  It's so weird, usually when I am sick with this kind of lung thing I am in the hospital getting nebulizer treatments and emergency steroid injections and crap.  This time I have bronchitis and a sinus infection, and all I have been doing is coughing like soooooo much and sooooooo hard.  I mean I cough so hard that I pulled a big muscle on the left side of my belly, and I just about pee my pants everytime I cough.  I know it's nasty, but Hey, pregnancy does some weird stuff!!!  I had a midwife appointment on Friday, I was 34 weeks and 2 days, and I measured at 35 weeks.  So, he might have just been going through a growth spurt or something, or the midwife measured a little differently than Karen the one that got the 2 week bigger measurement twice.  Karen delivered Taya, and I would be so extatic if she was to deliver Jameson too!  I have a few favorites that I would love to be the one to be there to deliver.  And I also have 1 that I really really dislike very much, and if I get her I am going to be dissapointed.  It all depends on what day I go into labor, Karen is on Fridays, I went into labor with Taya Friday night late, and had her at 6:01 am, and right after I had her Karen went off duty and a different midwife took over for her.  It's funny, I'll be sitting with Ricky and the baby will give me a really hard painful kick, and I will say like "OMG!  OUCH Jameson!!!"  And Rick looks at me with the most serious face and says, "Honey, he probably want to come out"  and this look he gives me is like he thinks that I can just say "OK! Come on out little Jameson, I'll let you out now if you want to come out!"  I mean he knows that I have no control over it, but it's funny, he really thinks that Jameson WANTS OUT!!!  I think it's just that he's big, or long or something, so when he kicks it's forceful because he's like all squished up in there.  I mean I feel EVERY little movement that boy makes in there.  I can almost feel him breathing I think LOL. Besides for being sick with this lung crap, I feel pretty good.  I am surprised, because I thought if I was feeling so badly at the middle part of the pregnancy, how could I feel anything but worse as I got bigger and bigger.  But I really don't feel TOO bad.  I have the occasional pubic bone pain still, but it's only every once in a while, and I do sometimes feel like I am going to burst my tummy is so tight and stretching, but it's not that bad.  I discovered a few stretch marks right around my belly button :(  But I had to like look with a magnifying glass to see them, so I hope that once the belly gets all flabby they don't show up too much more than they do now!  That's when I noticed them the most, after the baby was born, and the skin went loose, they must have like gotten deeper because they weren't being stretched anymore, and therefore they were much more noticable.

I got into a couple of really big fights with Rick the past week.  He's just dissapointing me in a lot of ways lately.  For example, his Stepmother, who is like the sweetest, most loving women ever, has this big family party at a hall every Christmas.  Well, it was yesterday.  I was looking forward to going, because I really love to let people spend time with Taya, seeing the joy that she brings them is very special for me.  I am proud of her and I want to like show her off to her family and show them how big she has gotten and how much fun she brings to Rick and I.  You all must know the feeling I mean.  Well, over the last few days he decided that he didn't want to go.  He just doesn't feel like going, he said.  Meanwhile his granmother on that side of the family for Taya's birthday gave us this awesome family gift.  See we bought our SUV from her and her husband, they own a Car place, and he takes cars that have been in accidents and fixes them all up and sells them.  We bought ours for like 10,000 which was cheap for the year and model, I think it's a 98 Mercury Moutaineer.  CD Player in the armrest area, upgraded stereo system with like a woofer and stuff, and it's really a nice truck.  Although we have encountered like 3 problems with it already, it's still cheaper than a new car would have been even having to get it fixed.  So, anyways, she decided that the 1,000 dollars that we still owed them for the SUV, she was going to forget about it, and we didn't have to pay it!!!  Well, she sent us a card to Tay's party, she couldn't make it there, so it said your paid in full for the truck.  Well, I knew we had better make a point to call her and thank her.  So I kept bugging Rick for like 3 weeks, and everytime he had some new excuse as to why he wouldn't call her!!!  I even wrote out a nice thank you card to her and gave it to him and said get a stamp on it and mail it.  Well I found it in his cooler for work, so the woman never got a thank you from us!!!  She's also done a lot for us like for the wedding and the baby shower and sends gifts all the time despite not getting a thank you.  She even let us come up to her camp in New Hampshire for a little mini vacation, and totally pampered us to the max and cooked for us and all!  Well I wanted to go and thank her at the party really bad.  I mean I know that she wouldn't be mad, and that she would be so happy to see Taya.  Well, now Rick is telling me that he doesn't want to face her, he's nervous that she might give him some crap and blah blah blah.  I said "well what are you going to tell people as to why we aren't going to the party???"  He said he was going to tell people that because I have been sick and I am pregnant that we didn't want to go!  I said NO NO NO NO NO, You are so NOT going to blame ME for this!!!  I said I FEEL FINE, and I have been pratically begging you to go to this party so that we can have some fun, food and Christmas spirit!  Then he says that they do this grab/raffle type of thing.  Everyone is supposed to bring 1 Kid gift, and 1 Adult gift and 1 or more dishes of food.  Then you buy raffles, and if you win you get to pick something from under the tree, and the money they make from the raffle pays for the party for next year.  It's a really cool idea, and so much fun.  Well this year is the first year that Rick is married and has a family and stuff, so he was asked to bring the gifts and a dish.  He says that we couldn't afford to get the gifts and to make something to bring!!!  Total LIE!  I mean even if we were short on cash, I could have went to the Dollar store and got a cute little candle, and something stupid for a kid, and we would have been all set.  There's no limit of hos much you have to spend or anything like that!  And we could have stopped by the super market and got a friggin cream pie from the bakery!  So, basically I got really upset about this, and cried to him, telling him that I feel like he must not be happy with me, and it's making him depressed and he doesn't want to take Taya anywhere because he's afraid people might say something about her being slow or whatever.  Of course he said NO WAY, and I believe him, but I just was really trying to make him feel bad LOL.  So, anyways, that's what I have been so pissed off about lately with my hubby.  Yesterday after I got upset and cried, he must have thought that he was wrong and wanted to make it up to me, so he took me to Burlington Coat Factory (Baby Depot) and we were going to make another lay away for Taya's presents.  Well, come to find out because it's so close to the holiday, they aren't doing any lay aways until after Christmas :(  So we are just going to have to wait till next week and buy what we want upfront.  We are going to get her that Car seat, and a bath seat to put in the big tub, I hope it will work for her since she can't sit up, then I wanna get her a few clothing items.  She needs a few new onsies, and some jeans, just like the basics like that.  I have a couple toys on the lay away at walmart for her.  Just a couple, I mean she has SOOO many already, and she's not really growing out of using them anytime soon.

So that's about all I can think to talk about right now, if I think of anything else, I'll come back and write!  Miss everyone, talk talk talk I'm bored!
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