mysticengineer kindly lent me her copy of Myst IV, now that she is done with it.
I played it for an hour last night.
It's amazing how big a chunk that took out of my evening.
It also doesn't play so well on my computer - every time I move, it is so slow to change - I keep getting that little hourglass in the corner. Also, whole chunks of the screen tend to turn into solid colored blobs where there should be railings or furniture or whole pieces of wall. Rather annoying.
Yeah, don't think I'm going to continue playing - didn't even get to solve any puzzles yet. Oh well.
In other news, trying to figure out how to get to work if there is a transit strike. If there is, I think I may be conveniently sick on Friday - even if I get there, no way I make it back by Shabbat.
However, if it continues beyond Friday, does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get to and from work?
And now I am off to do report cards...