Sean Taylor's Newsletter
November 2009Vol. 22 GOOD TO THE LAST BITE...
31 and done - October 31st marked the end to my eighth year of eating-pizza-every-day-of-October. It was delicious! Thank you, everyone who helped make it possible. Also, thank you to
the pizzerias.Redux & Reviews - Aside from hearing Sinatra sing anytime I shut my eyes, there seems to be no immediate consequences of pizza month '09. I lost a little weight due to my eat-nothing-before-pizza methodology. It helped me crave pizza but probably made me a bit irritable till I got my fix. 31 apologies! All the reviews of the pizzerias are (or will soon be) available at
31daysofpizza.COM.And the winner is... - By now we know Bloomberg won his 27th championship and the Yankees are the new mayor of NYC but we don't know which pizzeria served Sean the best tasting slice. We also don't know which pizzeria offered the best overall experience nor which one was the best new discovery?
These questions will all be answered at the
2009 Slicey Awards Ceremony (Thu Dec 3, 7:30p, @Parkside Lounge).
RSVP for this free event now and secure your seat and free high quality NYC pizza.
Click here for more info.
Pizza Film/Video Festival - I recorded a lot of raw footage and photos at each pizza place I visited last month and now eleven talented editors are hard at work making videos.
All will be screened at the Slicey Awards Ceremony (mentioned above) and one will, based on audience votes, be dubbed "BEST IN SHOW."
This year, the editors include Andrew Tucci, Kevin Hines, Hannah Chase, Alex Marino, Shawn Amaro, Robin Rothman, Louie Pearlman, Shawn Wickens, Nathaniel Rink, and (reigning champion) Erik Tanouye.
RSVP already!
By the way, in the days counting down until December 3rd, I will be publishing the other 20 videos as fast as my editing skills permit me. Here are the first five (2-3 min) videos. I hope you enjoy them...
Day 1-5: MotorinoLazzara'sPaulie Gee'sLuigi'sTwo Boots
Caption ContestCongratulations, Keith Huang!
winner of Oct Caption Contest
Click to see all captions...Have a caption for this photo?
Click to submitSean's TV/web/stage/field guideeventdate/time & descriptionvenue
Fri 11/6 - Sat 11/7: It's the First Annual New York Musical Improv Festival. Beginning at 6:30 with Once Upon A Time (one of my favorite musical improv acts) and including a Friday Night Midnight Jam where anyone can get up on stage and perform musical improv, this is a first time event. Both of the shows I mentioned feature Robin Rothman. She also designed the website and help build it. Check it out
Magnet TheaterBlueballs
playoffsSun 11/8 @7:30p: My softball team has a realistic chance of winning this year...for real! If you want to see me shag flys or perhaps pitch some, come out to the field and root for the Blueballs!Clinton Dewitt
(11th Ave & 54th St)My BirthdayOn Sunday 11/15 I will do something Chris Farley, John Belushi, and Jesus Christ all did...turn 33 years old. What? Why are you looking at me like that?The World
The Spotlight with Sean TaylorMy talk show featuring folks who have been on TV!Encore condensed episodes of The Spotlight are available on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network for folks living in Manhattan with Time Warner cable. So, set your DVRs to the upcoming air dates and times...
Thursday, Nov 12th, 2009 @11:30p on Channel 67
Thursday, Nov 26th, 2009 @11:30p on Channel 67
Want to talk about YOUR appearance on TV? Please
click here to submit yourself to be a guest on the show!
Sean's Upcoming shows
(all shows in NYC unless otherwise indicated)
Fri, Nov 06
@ the Sage Theater
7th Ave bet. 47th & 48th St.
$10 at the door / $7 in advance
click here for more info
Thu, Nov 12
@ the Magnet Theater
254 W 29th Street212.244.8824......$5
Wed, Nov 18
9:30p Comedy Boisterous Celebration
@ The Creek and The Cave
10-93 Jackson Ave (Queens, NY)
Thu, Nov 19
7p JV hosts the free mixer then, at
@ the Magnet Theater
254 W 29th Street212.244.8824......$5
Thu, Dec 03Pizza Awards
@ the Parkside Lounge
317 East Houston Street212.673.6270
free admission & free pizza
See Sean's full schedule of showsIf you read this far, check out this
dorky picture of me