poo on you, Ambies!

Feb 22, 2007 16:53

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Ice Cream
It's the only thing that makes me gain weight, and I want it all the time. I have to limit myself to a half-gallon every so often, otherwise that thing will be gone in a week.
Literary: Romance novels Shut. Up.Audiovisual: Teenybopper films I don't know why, but I love them. They make me feel happy.
Musical: N'Sync I listen to such a variety of music, but really the only thing I am guilty about listening to is those stupid boy bands. But I listen to them enough that I should feel guilty, you know?
Celebrity: Drew Barrymore She's totally not a great actor, and she was crazy for a long time, but I just love her, and i love her (happy) films.

Now I tag:-

stopstartagain hername_isrio autumnstar1 ana_addict and bigmelt

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