Feb 01, 2005 15:24
I am SOOOOO glad my calc final is over with. I got a 100% on my English vocab test. Yay.
So after school...a bunch of people went to the pier. Scott, Tamara and I went to El Torito to eat. Soo good. Afterward, Alisa and I started a game. It was the "Let's see how long it takes for the bird to get hit with the waves" game. Matt, Scott, Tamara, and Ryan joined us. We sat there for at least 20 minutes just playing our game. It was great..just being with really good friends, people you really like and care about..not talking about the latest gossip, or who's wearing what, or who's a bitch. Just sitting there and watching a bird.
That's just how I am though. I prefer spending time with a few close friends than a huge group. I don't mind just sitting and having a conversation..or watching a movie. I don't need a big adventure to be entertained. I am okay with silence. I am a simple girl.
Anyway..now I'm home because I was supposed to go to an eye appointment. But my mom's car needs a new battery so she moved it to another day. That's two perfectly good Tuesdays wasted by "eye appointments." Oh well. I can read or clean my room or something.
Tomorrow..breakfast with Wendy!