May 22, 2004 17:51
its okay to be pissed off at me, whatever. but there are certain lines that you shouldnt cross, and she crossed them. she showed me that she doesnt have concern with anyone else but herself. i love allison, always have shes a sweet girl. but i mean cmon-she doesnt give a shit about me, or our friendship. ok the first fight weve ever been in and shes like "i dont wanna be friends anymore". its obvious that losing me doesnt bother her ONE BIT, and thats fine- i dont wanna be friends either if shes gonna act like this. she made this into a bigger deal than it really was. but o well, its fucking high school, theres no point in all this stupid drama. so im done byeee.
btw allison im gonna give all of ur stuff to shawnacee this week to give to you at school.