May 14, 2005 22:26
hey im very tired so i rele don't care wut i rite right now so duz it rele matter? wel, im only guns rite a short one b/c my sister will be on my back about it in a minute, so...wel, i had a very busy day @ skool even wen its the w/e b/c i had to help with this crap that some cluba are funding, i was cooking and standing in for people that weren't there, wen the pple were rehersing this stupe play.. wel, i rele rele tired but i wunted to shout out to a couple of my friendz that might b reading this, wel, here it goes:
hey to my bestest friendz taylor with the long last name that she doesn't lyk very much, and to my other bestest friend that is always there for me wen my life iz rele hard, so i know that i can always help her out too ashley, and to my bro that is rele cool and doesn't rele get freaked out wen im a little guyish!!hey dude i luv ya' antonio!! and to my dear boyfriend that i love so much, i hope we never fall into the wrong hands, i love you with all my heart, never forget that! Joey...and im very sad that i can only spend 2 weeks with you but ill prolly c more of u in the end... at least we can spend our anniversary together....
okay now that tha's out of the way i hope u don't mind but i kinda have to go now, but i love you all and will talk to u very soon...bye!