Dissolve and decay. There's nothing left for me. Sit back, and let it die slowly.

Oct 14, 2004 17:04

The only thing I really want to talk about is HUDDLE. It's so much fun, and I love it.

When we first got to the class room, we introduced ourselves, read our "class expectations" poster, talked about the HUDDLE box, and then showed them the poster we made about ourselves. Well, one of the first things I did was ask if any of the kids heard about HUDDLE from older brothers and sisters and what they said. One kid said that his older sibling told him that if you smell this one thing you pass out. I was like ooh wow. I didn't get it.But anywho... We got a tennis ball from Mr. Schmeltzer and had them toss it around and tell us each one thing they like. It was pretty successful. We then taught them boomba..hey. They seem to like that, too. Then, we had them write four line riddles about themselves and we read two of them and had them guess which classmate they were talking about. They went bonkers when we did it. They just thought it was the bombdiggity.

The best part of the class was definately the 20 questions interview. We let them ask us questions. Here's some of the "good" questions we got...

"Do you have boyfriends"
me- Ohhh, the inevitable question! haha no
ashley-yes I do
::different kid::
"This questions for Ashley..Do you ever kiss your boyfriend?"

"Are we going to talk about morphine?"

"Do you know anybody that's taken drugs?"
me-Unfortunately, yes. However, honestly, their life has gotten worse because of all the trouble they're in.
::different kid::
"Who took the drugs?"

I had NO clue what to say to that..but luckily the teacher jumped in and was like..that's not an okay question. I was so thankful.

"Do your neighbors have pets?"

"Do you like mowing lawns"

I just didn't know what to say to some of the questions. It was so funny. We got asked where we wanted to go to college, our favorite colors, favorite animals, if we had pets, who our best friend was, if my parther, Ashley, and I were friends, if we had younger siblings, what we'd be talking about this year, what HUDDLE stands for, our favorite subject..and all sorts of really random questions.

We didn't have much time after that so we gave them a paper that had three things for them to fill out (what I learned today, a question I was wondering about is..., and the best part about todays lesson was..) and passed out our HUDDLE letters and that was pretty much it. Ashley and I walked back to her house and she took me home. On the way to my house we read the forms we had the kids fill out at the end of the lesson and one said "Would you like free karate lessons?" I about died. A couple asked where we lived and stuff. It's so funny. I'm sad we only get to go once a month and it's only for a 1/2 hour. I wish it was like an hour or something..or we would get to go once every other week. It's seriously a blast.

When I got on the computer, I had this message from L-F-A-L-K...

Lfalk: some cute sacred heart kid stopped me today at the HS and was like... "whats your name?" and i said laura of course and hes like "you look like my huddle teacher...taylor---" and i was like "dungjen?" and hes like..."yes!! i like her a lot--shes funny." and i was like..."AHHHH I LOVE HER TOOO!!!:-)YOU ARE LUCKY TO HAVE HER FOR HUDDLE--LET ME TELL YOU!" and he said "i know"...isnt that just precious! so...your huddle kids love you, just thought i would let ya know:-Dand i love you too!!! later love bucket;-)
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