Sing-ups Round 5!

Aug 23, 2010 09:22

- You must be a member to participate.
- I'll give you info of the themes and rules on 1st September.
- Once the info is given, I'll give you posting access.
- PLEASE only sign-up if you're serious about participating. Because if you aren't, someone who missed out might be.
- Before signing up please make sure you've JOINED the community.
- Comment if you want to sign-up.

Round 5 participants:
1. lady_kingsley
2. anaklazaro
3. ibinitch
4. jelly_head91
5. graphixfairy
6. udrey_cullen
7. boomboxrobot
8. xtaintedtears
9. 85mockingbirds
10. crazy_lil_kat
11. sunshinemaker
12. linatetizz
13. shoutingdreams
14. thewordmap
15. [info]jackxxnatalie

sign-ups, ~20in20 round 5

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