Dec 16, 2004 22:53
today started off rough because i woke up 15 minutes beofre i was suppose to leave to catch the bus but i got to decorate michelles locker today. it took me lik 20 minutes i'm seriously half retarded ! well anyways the rest of the day i didnt do shyt... i think i failed my health fa=inal but WHO CARES ! not me.. not goin to school tomorrow! yess. Im going to the movies for michelles birthday thingy and cheer.. maybe hanging out with my grams lol. i hope she brought me good gifts this year.. she usually gets me freaking barbies STILL ! god im 14 years old *almost 15 * i dont want a barbie.. but i love her anyways lol. Well back to my day.. abby picked me up after school and we went to wal*mart and then went back to her house. Makin that list was the best ! lol. i swear to god we're so guna do all that stuff. love you gurlie. Well i gotta werk the hole x mas break so come n visit me at the hatch.. well im soo tired ill write about my exciting day tomorrow lol.
xox TayCat*