Knowledge, Dark Blue, Dean/Carter (one-sided UST), mature

Dec 24, 2011 20:06

This is the original start to Claim, and ended up on the discard pile because dime_for_12's opinion was "very good Carter POV, but it doesn't integrate well into the full porny version".  It might actually be closer to the original bunny ( Read more... )

het, slash, dark blue, fic, dean bendis/carter shaw, soft r

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taylor_serenil December 25 2011, 04:42:48 UTC
I'm hanging in there. I'm doing call center tech support still, and it is completely killing my creativity. I miss data entry where I didn't have to actually talk to customers so, so, SO much. We're supposed to have how long our average call is down to 5 minutes by January, and mine is currently sitting at around 7:41 or so. I am improving, but probably not enough to stay employed.

I had to work today, and am also going to have to work an 8-5 tomorrow. My best friend promised to save me a plate of homemade tamales, Mexican rice and beans, though, so I'll survive. It's weird being here for Christmas (usually I'm up in the Midwest having a white Christmas instead of being down here for a wet one).

The original family plan was a big get-together for my grandpa's 90th in January in Colorado, and they decided not to around the end of November, and I didn't feel like trying for the week off that a proper visit home would require or sticking my parents with the bill for short-notice tickets.

The current thought is my parents are coming down in February (since that's past the worst of the winter rains and wet chilliness, and before the 100+ of later in the year).

I'm really sorry to hear that things have been shades of horrible for you, because I've been thinking about you too (and yes, also feeling guilty for not keeping in touch, so you're not alone on that front). As mentioned, my current job is killing my brain, and apparently that includes actually writing you as opposed to just thinking "I should check up on dime already". So I hope things get better for you, and if you want to get into more detail, I'll be more than happy to provide a listening ear (and if needed a virtual shoulder to cry on). And I hope your holiday season's at least decent.

*hugs back*

Long medical stuff that you may already know (oops if so).

I had to have an EEG run because my shrink/primary care doc thought my continuing adventures in tremors might have a neurological basis). As it turns out, my brain does have some abnormalities, but not enough to make me an actual epileptic or anything like that. My neurologist says that everything I told him about my tremor issues makes him think they're stress-related. Which makes me feel kind of guilty sometimes because it's like I'm not tough enough to handle stress normally. (At which point if I'm sane enough to believe it right then, I repeat to myself "if your brain wasn't miswired you wouldn't be having this problem because most people do not start uncontrollably shaking just because they're stressed and/or low on sleep").

The main reason the docs bothered with the EEG was I missed a ton of work due to the tremors and uncontrollable noises that sometimes accompany them (if my boss had been less sympathetic I probably would have been let go). So there was a really big incentive to see what else could be done. Which resulted in inconclusive EEG results and a unsuccesful medication switch. I had four days straight where I was low-grade shaky and decided "fuck that shit" and did a walk-in to get back on the Lamictal and off the Keppra.

So still bipolar and still having tremors.

My "babies" are relatively okay. My gray tabby is still sassy and doing well. My calico is still purr-impaired, still likes to cuddle with too many claws and block my view of the TV, and is due for her winter allergy shot ASAP. Before her I didn't know cats could have serious allergies. For all that she was feline leukemia positive and died before her time, Alize (my Siamese mix, may she rest in peace in kitty heaven) was a lot easier to take care of.

Early next year, I want to get the flooring in the main part of my place (living room, kitchen, hall, main bathroom) redone in ceramic tile (this is one of the options I'm thinking about). Because the cats and age (mostly the cats) have completely wrecked my living room carpet and the linoleum in the rest of the main part has some damage too. I'm just not looking forward to spending probably close to $800 to do it.


dime_for_12 December 26 2011, 02:32:19 UTC
It sucks that you had to work today, and it's always tough when plans fall through around the holidays. Last year was pretty bad for family for me, while everything else was fine. This year it seems to be the opposite - I got dismissed from my grad program, lost my job and hope for a semi interesting career (as well as having my personal AND professional reputation called into question unfairly and ugh. Bad, unfounded, things, taylor. Really bad), but my family stuff's straightened out, with two new additions (a brother in law and ANOTHER NIECE) to enlarge it!

I'm so sorry about the health issues, too, those don't sound fun at all, but it DOES sound like you at least have a doctor who seems interested and concerned in what's going on, and that ALWAYS helps, I think. And at least you're willing to advocate for yourself. It can be intimidating, but if you know what works (at least better than the alternatives) and can get the pros on your side, that ALSO helps.

I'm glad to hear your kitties are doing good! Pixie, my oldest ferret [at 6 years and some change] has adrenal and pancreatic cancer. I've already spent about $3k on her and am looking at more, and it's freaking me out, because what's in my account (barely able to cover the vet estimate for the next visit) is all I have right now (and who knows when I'll find a job, what with my lack of references now, and no real experience) :C

But I'm so glad to hear from you! I've missed you! (and sympathies on the no writing thing. It's been terrible for me, too. First because I was too busy, now because I am just so damn depressed and terrified about my [potential lack of] future.


taylor_serenil December 27 2011, 06:45:15 UTC
I'm planning on sending a more detailed email reply later, but quick version is I'm really sorry about what you're going through right now.


dime_for_12 December 26 2011, 02:36:25 UTC
BUT, holy cow, that is some nice flooring! Is ceramic tiling good for animal accidents? The only other flooring (besides carpet) I have is some garage tiling squares for my youngest ferrets (they're less than a year, right now) who are housed separately from my four big guys. The floor's great, really, but it isn't as pretty as THAT (although it seems almost the same cost), and I want the big guys' floor switched from something beyond carpet (because carpet + ferrets = EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW), and if something is durable AND nice? WIN!


taylor_serenil December 27 2011, 06:43:22 UTC
From what I understand from talking to a guy I know who does construction and a couple of flooring pros, ceramic's reasonably good for animal accidents. It's hard surface, so it doesn't really absorb urine (although the grout might some, I don't know for sure on that one) and you can steam mop it (also according to a flooring sales person) so you could probably also use disinfectant on it if the ferrets forget their potty training. I'd recommend smooth not textured though, based on google search.

I totally agree on the pets + carpet = EWWW equation. My cats have done just about everything involving bodily fluids to my carpet except bleed on it (hairballs, urine, feces) which is one of the big reasons I want my floor redone. and are a couple other ones I'm thinking about. But I do like the wood effect of that first one I showed you because my parents' old house (the 1912 contractor's one) has wood flooring in much of the house (living, dining, bedrooms IIRC). Actual wood flooring is probably way out of my price range, and everyone I've ever talked to about this says do NOT go with laminate for kitchens or baths because it's too easily water-damaged.

Quickie links for cleanup: and, both of which sound relatively simple. Apparently if you get fairly smooth tile cleanup's a lot easier than if you go with textured (dirt gets trapped easier), and getting your grout sealed is also a good thing because it helps keep your grout cleaner than if you don't. According to this ( you can also use diluted vinegar.

I figured if I'm planning to have the public area of my place redone, I wanted pretty, so I'm glad you agreed with me on that. And getting the ceramic plank type that really mimics wood would be about $800 for tile and other supplies by itself without even including the labor.

(Which is kind of scaring me, because although I don't have enough stuff to make Hoarders, I do have a washer, dryer, stove, fridge, computer desk, entertainment center and toilet/vanity that an installer to do a full job would have to move and/or work around. So I'm expecting mine to be on the high end--generally installing runs about $1.50-$1.75 per square foot, which would be probably be around $400-$500.)


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