Jul 08, 2008 00:32
my mom is letting me stay in the condo in clearwater by myself, for the entire fall-semester , for free.
kmoney is movin' in and we are going to have the chillest condo ever.
in fact, i just had a brilliant idea to turn the now vacant garage, into a smoking lounge.
it has a refrigerator. the garage i mean. of course the house does too.
and darts. and a pool table.
im pretty stoked on that. fo, sho
im realizing alot out here. in an otherwise shitty urban sprawl; im gaining some sort of enlightenment.
maybe its the books. ive been reading in compensation for the tv i have stopped watching. maybe its the books.
maybe its the lack of commercials. maybe im just no longer flawed with the conflicts of cast-mates or confessionals. mayyybe..
i hope its books. it seems like ive been on an unceasing sequence of epic, and totally life changing novels.
the immoralist by andre gide was entirely inspiring. so french. so immoral and pompous.(like the spelling of the word, colour. it should be color.) i love anything that makes me hate organized religion more..
on the road, in near tandem with the dharma bums, has put me on a transcendental mind fuck of hobo-ing good times. kerouac is a literary master. i dont care if im being redundant. his haikus are pretty intense as well. i wanna be a hitch-hiking-buddhist stoner.. i'd own that shit. for real though i wanna be hitch-hiking-buddhist- stoner. i just noticed the word "bud" is embedded in the word "buddhist". i love when two bad-ass things are combined. weed and buddhism. its like a combination made in nirvana. much like the french-fry in the frosty. which would rock right now. or perhaps stewart and colbert. so many good things come in twos. blunts should be sold in 'two'-packs.
im almost done with the metamorphosis by kafka. i thought it started a bit fairy tale-ish but it has surpassed its initial shrek-ness, and progressed into yet another staggering german feat. gregor is a sad son-of-a-bitch. i dont know what to read next. too many choices. for once im actually surrounded by things i want to read. before i would browse the book shelves in borders waiting for a cover or a name to jump out. now its a challenging process of elimination. involving hours of reading the first chapter's of my finalists. hey that would be a good reality show. too bad it couldnt air in america. nobody reads. and it seems like the people who actually are literate and capable of such a humiliating challenge would cower from the emptiness of reality stardom. anyways, i feel like im in an infinite abyss of great literature. i wish more people knew this joy. i wish more people knew the joy of weed. its really a gospel. the gospel of weed.
i can hear coldplay playing on the living room tv from my room. they're on jo(h)n stewart. i dont like this new stuff. i had high hopes. fucking radiohead posers. i liked their first two albums but i cant witness them recreate another "The Bends" or "OK Computer. sorry dude, youre not thom yorke. gwenyth paltrow should have married thom yorke. what a dumb bitch.
been watching some movies too. watched stranger than fiction. i recommend it to everyone. one, because will ferrel is actually entertaining in a compltely non-obnoxious way. two, because its all about the literary process. that director knew what he, or she was, was doing. kudos nameless director.
*whoa the olympics are coming up. *